The 190th Session of the Massachusetts State Legislature once again tried to rush every perverse piece of legislation through at the last minute. Most blue state legislative bodies are dysfunctional in this manner, unable to get to the most important, the most pertinent bills, while going after inane issues and pushing political talking points during campaign season for the next three months.

Among the good news for pro-family advocates, the Beacon Hill politicos could not muscle through a ban on conversion therapy for minors, despite their best efforts.

From the New Boston Post:

A bill that would have prohibited therapists from trying to change the
sexual orientation or gender identity of a minor has failed in the Massachusetts
Legislature, even though both the House and Senate expressed support for it.

An amendment added to the bill in the state House of Representatives
five weeks ago proved the bill’s undoing, as the Senate failed to pass a
reconciled version in time to meet all the technical formalities needed before
the two chambers wrapped up their formal sessions in the wee hours of
Wednesday, August 1.

How about that?
What happened specifically?
[W]hile the Senate “engrossed” the bill, the vote didn’t allow time
for the bill to be “enacted,” a process that requires printing a bill on
parchment and then having that version voted on again for “enactment” by the
House and Senate. Those final steps didn’t happen before both branches
adjourned (which happened at 1:12 a.m. Wednesday in the House, and at or
shortly after 1:16 a.m. in the Senate, according to State House News Service).

MassResistance activists all over the country, especially in Massachusetts, made numerous phone calls, wrote in many emails, and even made personal visits to Beacon Hill to oppose this travesty.
Those efforts paid off, so much so that the state legislature attempted to shove this legislation through at the last minute in the dead of midnight so that no one would know or raise a fuss about its passage. Yet by cutting the votes on this legislation so close, the state senate botched up the legal process, and the legislature could not muscle through the final version which both houses could agree upon.
This failure of the anti-family LGBT movement proves once again that when pro-family forces work hard and push against bad legislation, they can win–many times in the most unlikely of ways.
In an interview on Boston Public Radio, State Senate President Spilka didn't even mention their failure to pass the conversion therapy ban, most likely fearing the wrath of the vile LGBT movement, which has inordinate power in the Commonwealth.

Here's the glorious graphic, exposing the epic failure of the state senate–and a major victory for Pro-Family Movement!

Conversion Therapy failed AGAIN!
Great work, MassResistance!

Conversion therapy is a serious, reputable practice which has saved countless lives, young and old. The true abuse would be to take away this choice from parents, families, and communities which want the best for young people.

The fact that this bill went down to defeat a record third time is growing evidence that aggressive pro-family efforts from MassResistance really do make the difference. Add to his setback for the abusive LGBT Hate Machine the report that the Governor of Maine vetoed the same legislation last month, and the Maine legislature could not override his veto, and then the burgeoning restoration of professional free speech before the Supreme Court of the United States in its recent rulings.

The New Boston Post adds:

Yet it’s unclear what would happen if a
conversion therapy ban passes next session, because U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas seemed to invite a challenge to
such laws during a recent majority opinion in an unrelated case. Thomas noted
that the federal Supreme Court has never made a distinction between speech by
professionals and speech by others when it comes to determining First Amendment

“Professionals might have a host of
good-faith disagreements, both with each other and with the government, on many
topics in their respective fields … and the people lose when the government is
the one deciding which ideas should prevail,” Thomas wrote in the
5-4 decision, in a case called National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra,
which was decided June 26.

Opponents of banning conversion
therapy say the U.S. Supreme Court may eventually overturn state laws such as
the one proposed in Massachusetts.

The tide is turning for life, family, marriage, and Biblical morality at an unprecedented pace.

This latest victory should embolden pro-family advocates in their fight to protect natural marriage and family, even in the bluest, most Democratic, darkest states in the union.

A full report from MassResistance will be published soon. Stay tuned!
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