You know that the Democratic Party
Here's the latest eblast that I received from this Bold PAC, which is all about aggressive Democratic Party activism:
So, because the hack journalist Keith Olbermann, who has been suspended and fired for donating to candidates and other breaches of journalistic conduct–because Olbermann says that our elections were not free and fair but overturned and falsified by Russian intervention, Election 2016 is a total fraud and we need to have a redo.
This Russian insanity has gone from laughable to disturbing: the Democratic Party has lost its mind, and the communistic elements which have taken over have so drifted away from the truth and the foundations of this country, that they have become mortal enemies of the very system they claim to respect and operate within.
This is pretty terrifying. The Democratic Party has become overcome with conspiracy theories, and the leadership is bordering on mental illness.
Let's face it: liberalism, communism is a mental illness. 'Nuff said.