"Boehner signals possible deal on budget talks.

The House speaker says Republicans 'can't impose our will' on the White House and Senate Democrats to cut tens of billions of dollars. Plus: Where's the squabble heading?"

(From msn.com 3/31/2011)

What gives, Speaker Boehner? If I had tears, I would shed them for all the promise, the hope, the expectations which had built up from September 2010 and beyond. You have cried enough to fill, flood, and flounder the Potomac how many times over. We need you actions, as loud as your words, and more so!

You must bring fiscal sanity back to Washington D.C. You are not imposing your will on the White House and the Democrats; you are imposing the will of the AMERICAN PEOPLE, the ones who elected you and your ilk into office to put an end to runaway spending, outrageous entitlements, and non-existent fiscal oversight.

If the Democrats refuse to face fiscal facts and impose monetary discipline on burgeoning budgets, then call their bluff and let the Government SHUT DOWN!

The world may be keenly surpised to realize that Americans can ran their lives, run their businesses, and run as they please without a rapidly wastrel government freezing, seizing and breezing through hard-wrought tax-payer capital.

The American people can do just fine without an activist domestic government. . .and that includes doing away with feckless legislators who lack the courage to "impose their will" on the unruly ruling elite.

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