Don Boys, Ph.D.
There is a major water shortage over many parts of the earth. Headlines this month bemoan the shortage of water in Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, and England. There is no grass to feed the cattle causing farmers in European nations to feed their cattle hay that was cut in June. There will be no second cutting this month so there is growing concern about feeding the cattle through the winter.
Water is essential to everyone everywhere all the time, but conditions are especially disastrous in South Africa.
South Africa, among its many political, economic, and racial troubles, is in the middle of their worst drought in thirty years. And no hope is in sight. Crops are drying in the fields, livestock are dying beside dry river beds, jobs have been lost, people are restless, and politicians are making excuses and blaming each other.
After British and America globalists pressured the white majority government out of power (1994) in South Africa and turned it over to Nelson Mandela and his nefarious crew at the Communist-controlled African National Congress (ANC), it was to be a bright future for everyone. However, it was not to be since the Communists have run the nation into the ground as they always have everywhere. In addition to many other problems, they have a rapidly-approaching nation-wide water shortage. This water shortage is compounded by failed Communist/Socialist policies of freebies for all.
Need I mention that water is more essential than oil? The water well, not the oil well, is where the next major battle will be fought. The U.S. can go a long time without oil, especially with our reserves, but we can live only a few days without water. And everyone on earth is involved. Experts predict that by 2020 about 30% to 40% of the world will have a water shortage. The Huffington Post reported that about 4 billion people (66% of the world’s population) are without sufficient access to fresh water “for at least one month of the year.”
Cape Town (South Africa’s second largest city) is facing Day Zero when the water supply will be cut off and everyone will have to appear at one of 200 water collecting points in the city of four million people. The troubled nation declared a national disaster in Cape Town on February 13, 2018 as the city's water supply was predicted to run dry before the end of June. With its dams only 24.9% full (56.9% as of this week due to rain and enforced water restrictions), water-saving measures were in effect that required each citizen to use less than 50 liters a day–about 13 gallons–for drinking, showering, cooking, etc.
I smell rebellion and mobocracy in the air!
One politician warned, “The people and economy of the Western Cape are on the verge of a possible water supply blackout." Day Zero was expected in 2018 but they muddled through and hope they can forestall disaster through next year. Authorities are expecting major problems even to calling in the army to keep order.

It doesn’t take much imagination to expect major confrontations as thousands of hot, thirsty, stinking people line up for water. The frustrations will be compounded because the Western Cape Water Supply System has already placed a 45% water use restriction for domestic users and 60% for agriculture. If the farmers can’t irrigate, especially during a prolonged drought, food will not be produced and people will starve.
Starving, thirsty people are impossible to control.
The drought has already led to huge losses of livestock and crops. Such losses–as well as individual families without ready access to water—are on everyone’s mind.
A South African politician said, “Current water crisis in Cape Town requires a massive public involvement process where citizens adhere to and assist in identifying those who still continue to use water irresponsibly.” Translation: squeal on your water-using neighbors. That will be an interesting development. Officials report that 60 percent of Cape Town residents are still not complying with current restrictions.
Politicians in the national and provincial governments are fussing with each other as they, like all politicians, try to cover-up their own failures. Placing blame is easier than solving the problem. Instead of taking the necessary measures, they have curtailed the use of water for home and farm and installed electronic meters to monitor and measure water use. It is my opinion that the only reason to monitor and measure the use of free water is to limit it.
A senior government official told an ANC meeting that the water shortage was in part caused by the Whites (sure, who else?) in the previous administration who built the dams too large. Even a non-engineer knows that dams conserve, retain, and store water to be released as needed. But blame whitey when you get thirsty.

Recently the Minister of Water & Sanitation said in a speech while trying to address the water situation that South Africans should save tap water by drinking other forms of liquids. She said people don't always have to drink tap water as any form of liquid can help when they are thirsty and stressed. She recalled how she and a friend were lost in the mountains of Bloemfontein when they were young. There were no dams, lakes, or rivers nearby and they ended up drinking dog urine. She testified that their stress was gone immediately and they managed to find their way home. The water official indicated that if people are stressed, maybe they should drink dog urine and save a lot of water.
Is anyone surprised South Africa is in trouble with such officials in office?
So, South Africans, save water. Don’t get a glass of water from your kitchen faucet, go to Spot’s dog house and ask him to fill your glass. And get relieved of stress, saving water at the same time.
The failure of the water supply is a failure of policies of the Communist government that believes the Communist/Socialist system really works; however, as always, reality sets in and the poor fools realize that it has never worked because Communism/Socialism is impossibly unworkable. After the fall (or push) from power of the hated but efficient white government, the ANC party took control to forge a workers’ paradise but it has become a workers’ nightmare where all the workers (black and white) are thirsty.
The city of Durban was the first South African city to introduce a policy of free basic water in 1998 and the ANC promised all South Africans free basic water during a municipal election campaign in December of 2000.
Those politicians evidently haven’t heard that nothing is free—except the Gospel.
Since 2000, the politicians introduced a policy of free basic services, including water (first six cubic meters per month are free), electricity, and solid waste collection. Each major city decides if free basic water will be available to everyone or only to the poor and most cities provide free basic water to all or almost all their residents. The program reached 86% of all homes by 2012.
This long time coming water shortage has resulted in limited drinking water, little water for farm irrigation, little water for cattle and horses, and limited water for cooking, washing clothes, showering, and sanitation.
The expansive vision of the National Development Plan for Water Resources and Services is that, by 2030, all South African citizens “will have affordable access to sufficient safe water and hygienic sanitation to live healthy and dignified lives.” That’s nice but little help if you are dirty, thirsty, and hungry today.
In 2010, about 11 million South Africans (20% of the population) did not have access to improved sanitation so their only options were to use bucket toilets (3 million); to share facilities (4 million); or practice open defecation (4 million).

The problem of open defecation is continent-wide, not limited to South Africa.
Nearly 540 million people, more than 60 percent of Africa’s population, currently practice open defecation according to the African Development Bank Group. And worldwide, more than a billion people still “go out back” to take care of one of life’s most important functions. Moreover, in all those areas, they do so where deadly cobras, lions, tigers, etc., roam freely. Seems as if that ever-present danger would cause “bashful bladder” and “bashful bowel,” especially at night. 
Israel offered in 2016 to help South Africa construct desalination plants, but South Africa rejected the offer. After all, Israel was “oppressing” the “Palestinians” in Gaza.
If South Africa is to come out of this water crisis without a major revolution where hundreds of thousands of innocent people are killed, they had better do more than restrict water. They should dump Communism/Socialism pronto and recognize that those leaders, including Mandela, totally failed to anticipate water and sanitation problems.
They should require working families to pay for water. 
They should remove and jail the many political thugs from office and replace them with honest people who are kept honest by strict accountability.
They should hire foreign engineers to replace the ones who fled the bleeding nation for better opportunities.
They should repair the locks and dams even if the money must be taken from secret Swiss bank accounts controlled by corrupt leaders.
They should renovate the gold and diamond mines bringing them back to first and best in the world and charge them a temporary tax until the water flows again.
They should not be too proud to accept help from the Israelis to develop more desalination water systems.
However, the South African leaders would prefer to parrot the Communist line that all Communist/Socialist nations follow than to admit it has contributed to their present most critical problems.
Drought, dissension, and disorder!
Boys’ new book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy,  click here. An eBook edition is also available.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives; ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis, wrote columns for USA Today for eight years; authored 18 books and hundreds of columns and articles for Internet and print media publications; and defended his beliefs on hundreds of talk shows. These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations and may be used without change from title through the end tag. His web sites are and and Contact Don for an interview or talk show.)
Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at CSTNews and TheGodHatersTwitter, and visit his blog.
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