There is a bright side, even to minor setbacks.

John Cox, the Chicago-Machine style politician who has never won a race for public office, who lied about Travis Allen's record on life, could not buy the endorsement of the California Republican Party this morning.

It's too bad, though, that the state party has this clear fracture, but so does the Democratic Party. In fact, the endorsement process was so fraught for the California Democrats, that for many of the Democratic Party incumbents, they could not get the endorsement, which includes Dianne Feinstein, Xavier Becerra, and even Gavin Newsom, the supposedly progressive favorite to win governor among all the Democrats.

This is pretty distressing for the left, but can the conservative and no-longer silent majority raise enough heaven to have an impact going forward?

That's what Travis Allen is calling for:


This morning, at our 2018 Convention in San Diego, California Republican Party Delegates cast votes on which candidate for Governor should receive the party's official endorsement.

No candidate was able to reach the 60% threshold required to win the endorsement, despite my opponent and the establishment spending millions on his campaign and pulling out all the stops to try and buy the endorsement.

We will not allow the establishment to silence our grassroots campaign of dedicated California Conservatives who are sick and tired of decades of failed Democrat rule.

The latest poll shows me as the leading Republican in this race, and it's time for Republicans across California to unify around our campaign. Only by unifying will we secure a Republican win in the Primary Election and move on to November to beat Gavin Newsom, repeal the gas tax, end the sanctuary state, and restore the California Dream.

Please join with me as we move forward and TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA!

Travis Allen


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