Big Government with a little "b": is that the real enemy? Cutting spending to cut the sheer size of government, yes that is admirable. Yet is that all that Americans should be seeking?

Limited Government: does that mean a federal government which only attends to business in Washington D.C.? Doesn't the Constitution expect the Federal Government to play certain roles in the business and affairs of the states?

Big Government may refer to the physical reach of government. In a nation of fifty diverse states, it is inevitable that the federal government will be big.

Yet the Constitutional never outline how much physical space the federal government would take. The Constitution outlines how many powers Congress may take on, the role of the Presidency, and the existence of a federal judiciary.

Congress must be limited in its scope, not necessary in its size. Post offices by delegation are permitted, Congress has the authority to coin money and print currency. Yet Congress never had the authority to create the Environmental Protection Agency, nor is it permitted to erode the full faith and credit of the currency with massive printing and resulting inflation.

Limited Government at all costs, and let the size of government shrink in turn.

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