What, you mean newspapers, journalists, and the media are biased? I had no idea (*sigh*). . .

Enough already! It is clear, present, and inescapable truth that news reporters are news-makers. Let's assume that reporters could siphon out their viewpoints, adjust the inflections in their voices, and rely on the most neutral language to share current events. Even with all of those precautions, their very choices as to what news to report, which news to ignore, what to downplay, what to parade, all shape the information culture bombarding us.

When will we finally concede that news organizations cannot completely sever advocacy from objectivity?

At least when news sources acknowledge their bias (see the "pro-business Economist", or the libertarian-leaning "Orange County Register"), readers know that they are not being treated like sheep easily mislead by sinister spin-meister shepherds.

the Mainstream Media must concede that they are no longer the main, a stream, or the finally form which broadcasts the news. Instead of straining for an unattainable standard, news organs should invest their resources in a niche-market, or promote a wider array of views, which inclined readers can select from.

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