November 17th, 2016.

This even was the evening to cap off the year!

The BCR Board would have our elections, and we had a wonderful, special guest:

The Pulitzer-prize winning Political Cartoonist Michael Ramirez!

Guests from all over Southern California attended our meeting!

Here are more scenes from the November, 2016 BCR meeting:

Dr. Robert Newman opened up our meeting in prayer:

Rachelle Mand talked about her ACT meeting and the fight against Islamic extremism:

BCR Board elections followed.

There were three contested offices (of sorts)

Aurelio Mattucci of the Unified Small Business Alliance was running a second time for BCR President.

He has a lot of great ideas.

I outlined what has been happening with the club, and how the numbers are growing. We have had wonderful guest speakers, including that night with Michael Ramirez.

I also talked about our movement to build up our movement and make us more effective as a conservative community in the South Bay.

Both of us spoke for three minutes.

Three questions from the audience followed.

Then Peter Michel and Omar Navarro spoke to the club. The two of them were running for First VP. Whoever lost would be made the Second VP.

They laid out their intentions to streamline the process for the club, improve membership and outreach.

After the vote, Michael Ramirez spoke to the club!

He gave an incredible speech about his role as a journalist as well as political cartoonist.

He talked about his long history in this profession, and the necessity to make fun of our leaders as part of holding them accountable.

Here is a lengthy succession of videos recording his speech to the club, followed by a slide of some of his cartoons:

Final Reflection

At the end of the meeting, I was re-elected President.

I was really thrilled! So glad to be back in the fight!

Omar Navarro will continue as First Vice-President

Peter will serve as Second VP.

Tracy Hopkins will  be our new Treasurer.

I counted about seventy people in the room.

Michael Ramirez brought two of his books to sell, and people lined up to purchase.

I saw people who had not been to meetings in a while. It was good to see more people coming!

Thanks again for attending, Mr. Ramirez!

And here is Michael Ramirez with our new Second-VP Omar Navarro:

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