About three weeks ago, a member of the Beach Cities Republicans suggested that we throw a breakfast party for the Trump Inauguration on January 20th.
I was very open to the idea. I liked it very much.
The Sizzler restaurant manager told me that it would be no problem, as long as we signed up a minimum of 20 people to attend.
At first, I was not sure if anyone was going to attend any kind of party at 7:00am in the morning. When I took into account that this moment was an incredible, history making opportunity, I recognized that many people would gladly show up,eve i it was early.
So, with a little organizing, discussion, and planning from the Beach Cities Republicans board, we made it happen!
Peter Michel put together a great flyer for the event!
This President is not just talking, but Trump is making things happen. He helped bring back businesses. With one tweet, he can rock and roll the market place. His times and talking have also pushed a pro-America foreign policy presence. The fact that he will be the next President has scared away illegal aliens from taking advantage of public benefits. Farmers are not hiring illegal workers anymore, either, even in California.
The inauguration breakfast banquet was a YUGE success.
We need to have 20 people attend. 60 people came!
Former TEA Party members, an elected official, and even Republicans from Long Beach arrived to watch Donald Trump take the oath of office.
Jessica Rosenthal of Fox News Radio also came and recorded comments from the BCR Board and others people attending the meeting.
It was an incredible event!
Now, I can write just about anything that I can think of.
But as you know, a picture is worthy 1,00 words.
First, I was priviledged to take key photos with Republicans from all over SoCal who came to our event:

And check out the crowd of people who came, ready to celebrate!

And here are the video snapshots I took of our event:

First video for the event!

We had a YUGE crowd come to our event (in spite of very, very heavy rain!) and of course, the crowds were YUGE in Washington DC for the inauguration:

Here was an incredible and very powerful opening ceremony for the inauguration:

Archbishop Timothy Dolan gave the opening benediction:

Pastor Samuel Rodriguez from Sacramento California, the leader of the National Hispanic Evangelical Association, read key passages of Scripture:

Pastor Paula White boldly blessed the inauguration and the people attending — all in the name of Jesus!

The US Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer gave one of the most partisan, pitiful, and petty inauguration speeches on record. The Beach Cities Republicans happily heckled him throughout the speech.

Very sad!

Out with the old administration, and in with the NEW!

One of the choral performances gave a soaring rendition of "America". Members of the audience could not help but sing along!

Then Donald Trump gave one of the most moving inaugural speeches. He focused on America, and power restored to the people of this great country.

There was no doubt in anyone's mind — President Trump will put American interests and Americans FIRST!

Closing prayers followed, first from Rabbi Marvin Hier of Los Angeles:

Then from Rev. Franklin Graham, who noticed that rain began to fall when President Trump addressed the crowds, and the rain stopped when Trump ceased from talking.

Then Bishop Wayne Jackson of Detroit rounded out the closing prayers:

Here are the  final moments of the inauguration:

And here's Barack Obama boarding the helicopter to leave the White House and Washington DC, never to return!


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