As a Green candidate, Utah-born comic Roseanne Barr could not gather enough votes to win the nomination for president.

Now she has just announced that she has received the nomination for the Peace and Freedom party, with anti-war activist Cindy Shaheen as her vice-president.

A Candidly Unserious Candidate

Who says that the United States is not a free country? Who says that Free speech has not say or sway in our political process?

Then again, free speech does not imply free thought, or even the freedom to follow a thought through to the end.

Her rhetoric has not been commensurate with peace, either, as she believes that the wealthy in this country should be guillotined, and all their wealth taken away by force and given to the poor in this country.

Roseanne Barr is a self-parody of the worst that comes out in electoral politics, a faux-populist who denigrates the role of corporations in our political discourse, railing against the wealthy in this country, yet at the same time she runs a Macadamia nut farm in Hawaii, one of the most expensive states for anyone to live in.

Another fanatical followed of the green agenda, she advocates for the expansive of subsidies into green technologies, the same policies which President has advocated, policies which have witnessed the widespread waste and dissolution of millions of taxpayer dollars into failed companies like Solyndra and Solon, among others.

This woman's empty rancor is amusing, and her status in a marginal party is certain to do very little damage to the national discussion on serious issues affecting everyone in this country, yet her disturbing lack of depth and insight into economic and moral issues should be enough for minor parties like the American Independents, the Greens, and the Libertarians to change their brand or to close up their campaign headquarters altogether. The laughable clowns which they are endorsing to run under their party standard only add to the veneer of hollow rebellion which these minor parties attest to. And without a doubt, Roseanne's inane run for President will only siphon away more votes from the embattled incumbent President Obama, a man who has propagate the false principles of Progressivism which are bankrupting this country will expanding the government, and the power of corporate collusion in Washington at the expense of the voters in this country.

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