A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …

Actually, the time and place are well-known, familiar, and close to me.

It was the South Bay and up through the Santa Monica Coast line.

The year? 1976.

Robert Dornan, later known as B-One Bob, was running for Congress to replace the moderate Alphonzo Bell.

Bob Dornan

Bell, part of the legacied family connected to Bel Air, Bell Gardens, the City of Bell, had represented the West side down to the South Bay for 16 years.

Now Bob Dornan, more conservative and bombastic, was running for office.

He took on well-known Democrat from the West LA region–Gary Familian.

He would later seek a bid for US Senate in 1982, then carpet-bag to Orange County, where he defeated an incumbent Democrat, serving in Congress until 1996.
What were his thoughts on Election 2016 and Donald Trump?
OC Weekly reports …

Bob Dornan Discusses Donald Trump, Diabolical Clintons, Violence,Traitors, Art and Boot Licking

Our younger readers may not know about Robert K. Dornan, which is a
shame because during the height of his national notoriety in the 1980s and 90s
the combative Orange County congressman would have frightened Donald Trump off
political stages.

Not sure that would happen, but Dornan definitely frightened left-wing trolls like Michael Moore, who wanted to lock Dornan in an insane asylum!
Combining a rightwing ideology with his Catholic faith, an enormous
ego, angry temperament, theatrical instincts and DNA that allowed him to
routinely answer unasked questions for 30 minutes or longer, Dornan took on
women’s rights, abortion, gays, communists, Mexican immigrants, Democrats, Jews
and Bill Clinton’s “dough-boy thighs” with unprecedented hostility. Clinton
once observed that the New York City native whose uncle starred in the Wizard
of Oz acted like a crazed street dog suffering rabies. From 1985 to 1997, Dornan
employed a nasty attitude not just to defeat opponent after opponent. He
annihilated them. As a result, we sarcastically called him the
"congressman for life" from Garden Grove.

The writer forgets that he represented part of Torrance and the Palos Verdes peninsula in the late 1970's to the early 1980's.

How could he have forgotten that?

Then the impossible happened after a failed Republican presidential
primary bid that won the attention of comedians across the nation. An unknown
Latina Democrat named Loretta Sanchez startled the political world in 1996 by
taking this bitter white man’s job. Dornan claimed nuns and “illegal immigrant”
voters carried across the border by yours truly had stolen his seat. Two years
later, he made that laughable crusade the centerpiece of his effort to return
to Congress, failed again against Sanchez and retired to northern Virginia.

Keep in mind — this article is written by an embittered liberal who now must serve under a "right-wing" popular nationalist President who wants to Make America Great Again.

Years have gone by with little fanfare. Perhaps, he’s been busy
monitoring all of his generous government pension accounts. Or plotting a new
campaign, a move we’ve prayed would happen if only for the entertainment we’ve

Actually, he ran for Congress again in 2004 in a primary challenge against Dana Rohrabacher. That bid failed miserably.

He still visits the radio show circuit, too.

Great news: Dornan has returned to the national scene. On Nov. 15, the
tire-on-loose-gravel-voiced 83-year-old emerged on Sean Hannity’s radio show
and brought back memories of our old telephone interviews where I needed chunks
of notepads to diagram the rambling subject matters his mind spewed without
prompting. It appears nothing has changed.

Can you say "Sore loser"?
Final Reflection

This article is a liberal rag waving the victimization card, trying to mock B-One Bob.

He was all kinds of excited about the Trump victory.

Trump's win was just like Ronald Reagan's victory in 1980.

And as I shared above, the sullen, angry "columnist" neglected to mention Dornan's final upset win against Carey Peck, the liberal son of liberal actor Gregory Peck.

Funny stuff.

Republicans had a pretty good hold on the state of California.

What happened over the last forty years?

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