This is the craziest nonsense I have ever read about in a Republican Party organzation.

It was bad enough that the Republican Party of Los Angeles RINO Central Committee revoked two charters for clubs which had been active and conservative in the region.

Now I learn that a weak, neophyte state party chair has gone totally rogue and taken all the power to herself. Why? She has staving off all meetings and granting herself all the emergency powers until Election Day.

Which state? The Aloha State, where residents are struggling in dire poverty, where the public sector unions are sucking the state and the taxpayers dry, where welfarism is the way of life, because making a decent living is nigh until impossible.

And where the state Republican Party is all but nonexistent as leadership has spent more time wasting money a mortgage rather than fighting for candidates to win and make Hawaii Great Again.

Shirlene Ostrov was a whacky candidate to begin with. She had only recently become a Republican, and she was suddenly tapped by Pat Saiki, a two-term Congresswoman from the mid-1980s, to head the party.

Of course, Saiki has been in charge behind the scenes … until now.

HIRA reports:

Aloha, Republicans:

Prospects for political success in 2018 are looking even dimmer for the beleaguered Hawaii Republican Party as a massive turf war breaks out just three short months before voters start casting ballots in the General Election.  Yesterday, power-tripping political neophyte and current state GOP chairwoman Shirlene Ostrov cancelled all scheduled meetings of party leadership going forward — including a crucial pre-Primary executive committee meeting tomorrow with fellow top officers — and issued her own unabashedly dictatorial directive that centralizes all authority for absolutely all decision-making power under herself and to herself aloneEven though the cadre of party officers which currently run the state GOP were nearly all elected alongside Ostrov on her official 'slate' of nominees at the 2017 Kauai convention, it appears from Ostrov’s one-woman directive that her running mates whom she personally recruited herself aren't doing their jobs or are simply not in sync with Ostrov’s outlook after her 14 months of on-the-job training as state chair.  In fact, in another sign of failed leadership, Ostrov is openly threatening her friends-turned-enemies with being replaced if they don't play by her rules.  However, Ostrov doesn't even bother to explain how — as their supervisor and executive officer — she let more than a year pass by without noticing or caring that they weren't doing their jobs right.

MAJOR HUMILIATION:  Most explicitly targeted in Ostrov's crosshairs is 1st vice chair and former congresswoman Pat Saiki, who had been elected and charged with leading the state party's 'coordinated campaign program' as Ostrov's running mate 14 months ago.  As of this past Sunday, while appointing herself dictator, Ostrov has cancelled that entire Saiki-led initiative, which under Hawaii GOP rules includes critical programs for registering and identifying voters, promoting absentee balloting, Get-Out-the-Vote efforts, as well as coordinating between the campaigns of GOP candidates and the party in order to maximize effectiveness.  Ostrov has unilaterally deemed this program to be illegal and instructed Pat Saiki to cease and desist from doing her job from this moment forward, thereby seemingly resolving a long-simmering power struggle between Saiki and fellow vice-chair Jane Tatibouet.

In Ostrov's multi-page directive which was probably drafted by Ostrov’s hand-picked, sycophantic party lawyers (Gary Grimmer shown here and Ann Correa) — a move dubbed by HIRA as the "Sunday Night Massacre" — the politically-experienced Saiki (who endorsed Ostrov for Congress in 2016 and for State Chair in 2017) has been completely stripped of all power by Ostrov, as is Saiki's own committee (with members such as Andrew Walden, Andy Poepoe, and others from Saiki’s team), plus Saiki's budget and plans for a coordinated campaign program in 2018.  Stunningly, neophyte Ostrov — who wasn’t even a member of the GOP until recently and who’s never even run a precinct or district committee — has now told the most experienced person in the state party's leadership team, former Congresswoman Pat Saiki, that her services are no longer needed or wantedand that her job description as vice-chair has been completely eliminated.  [It's bad enough that Ostrov failed to ensure that the 51 house districts were canvassed by the state party organization to identify voters which lean Republican so they can be targeted by candidates for votes and by the party for Get-Out-The-Vote efforts.  But now Ostrov and her ambulance-chaser cronies are stupidly calling that crucial activity "illegal" and handing the advantage to Democrats.]

Moreover, the state party's treasurer and longtime worker Gwen Honjo has also been warned to be more obedient to Ostrov.  Party insiders tell HIRA that Honjo had been reluctant to allow Ostrov and her RINO colleague Jane Tatibouet to spend money in an ad hoc, unapproved fashion.  At issue, reportedly, are “illegal” promises made by Tatibouet to Republican candidates in 2018 that some portion of their own campaigns' expenses would be reimbursed by the party.  HIRA has learned that Ostrov is desperate to elect at least one or two GOP challengers in 2018 or risk being remembered as coming up short after notably promising "historic gains" only a few weeks ago.  In fact, Ostrov has declared the entire Saiki operation as “illegal” under state and federal law, even though the state party’s rules explicitly establish the ‘coordinated campaign program’ as being Saiki’s responsibility.  [Presumably the party’s legal geniuses who examined the rules and proposed new rules banning HIRA at the state convention back in May completely overlooked the need to fix these supposedly “illegal” rules due to their obsession with stopping HIRA from attacking the liberal party and stopping HIRA from attacking Democrats in 5 years more than the Hawaii GOP has in 40+ years.]

Why Ostrov couldn't wait 24 hours to present these proposed courses of action to her fellow officers at an already scheduled meeting the following day rather than opting to CANCEL the meeting and give herself all the dictatorial authority imaginable was not expressed in her communication to her fellow officers.  Ostrov merely sent them her wide-ranging unilateral decisions and then told them in a hyper-legalistic fashion that the following day's party leadership meeting was cancelled and that they better wise up if they want to keep their jobs.

Like Barack Obama using executive orders because Congress would never approve his garbage proposals, Ostrov is megalomaniacally exploiting a little-used provision in state party rules that allow her to exercise decision-making authority between meetings of the various governing bodies of the party so that she can assign all power to herself.  And then, by cancelling all meetings (thereby preserving her “in-between meetings” authority), Ostrov clearly intends to cling to that power for the rest of the year.  HIstorically, this authority has been limited to minor matters of incidental party business.  But delusions of grandeur have led Ostrov to grant herself all financial power of the purse and decision-making power at the Hawaii GOP, as well as giving herself carte blanche authority to hire outside lawyers to pursue whatever legal agenda Ostrov desires.  In addition, Ostrov also gave herself the authority to permit Andria Tupola and Gene Ward to establish brand new, unprecedented, official 'caucus' campaign committees for the purpose of electing more committed RINO’s to the State House in the mold of Beth FukumotoLauren CheapeCynthia ThielenAaron “Ling” Johanson and other wishy-washy future Democrats.

Another possible headache for the party in the wake of this coup by Ostrov is that she was installed as state chair with the overwhelming support and delegate votes of the Oahu League of Republican Women(president Carol Thomas shown here), which plucked neophyte Ostrov from obscurity and made her their choice to become state chair.  To this day, Ostrov remains the vice president of the Oahu League of Republican Women, her original political base of supporters which turned out in droves at the 2017 Kauai state convention.  That organization's treasurer, Gwen Honjo, is now under attack by Ostrov as the Hawaii GOP's simultaneously serving treasurer; with Honjo being told she is on the verge of being fired by Ostrov using her power-grabbing one-woman authority.  As of now, it is not known how the members and officers of the Oahu League of Republican Women feel about this coup d'etat led by Ostrov.  Throwing venerated members of that GOP auxiliary organization like Pat Saiki and Gwen Honjo under the bus while also threatening the status of other Oahu League members who serve on Ostrov's executive committee might cause headaches for the embattled state chair.  It should be disclosed that HIRA obtained this document signed by Ostrov via party officials affiliated with the Oahu League of RINO Women, which suggests they may be rethinking their their embrace of Petty Tyrant Ostrov.

HIRA has warned for months that the party has been on a disastrous course leading up to the 2018 election.  HIRA has exhaustively reported on extensive dysfunction, incompetence, missteps, and ill-preparedness at the Hawaii Republican Party since the beginning of the year.

With just three short months until folks statewide begin casting ballots in the General Election (yes, ballots get mailed 20 days before November 6th), Ostrov’s nutty power grab could very well be part of her own attempts at damage control and even survival as state chair.  Ostrov probably realizes that she will fall far short of the “historic gains” she promised all party members as recently as March 2018.  Playing the blame game has proven to be a standard play for Ostrov who has repeatedly tried to blame HIRA for her own inexperience, incompetence, and dysfunctional leadership.  Now, Ostrov is blaming her RINO running mates Pat Saiki and Gwen Honjo and other internal critics of her rule who question her ineptitude and poor results.

Folks at Kapiolani Blvd. are surely wondering who could be next on Ostrov’s chopping block?  Hmm, maybe that’s why Saddam Hussein-Ostrov has given herself the autocratic power to “engage the services of internal or external legal counsel on all such matters as the chairman deems necessary” after such power was explicitly rejected by the party’s State Committee only a few weeks ago.  National committeeman Miriam Hellreichand national committeehermaphodite Gene Ward have clearly failed to rein in the third member of the trio which represents the Hawaii GOP at the Republican National Committee.

Look out folks, the promise of a local “red wave” in 2018 is receding faster than the low tide before a blue tsunami hits.  The two governing bodies of the Hawaii GOP and its officers have just been completely (and formally) emasculated through the end of Ostrov’s term in May 2019.  The state party is now just a party of one.  And that 'one' is tyrant Shirlene Ostrov – a political neophyte who doesn’t play well with others and who probably overreacted this weekend when she saw herself going the way of prematurely ousted predecessors Jonah Kaauwai and David Chang.

The Sunday Night Massacre at the state Republican headquarters is a cry for help from these warring camps of RINO’s which effectively drowns out the real problems demanding real leadership that real island residents are looking for, but won’t find from the Hawaii GOP in 2018.  Even with all the issues and headlines potentially making local Democrats look corrupt and inept this close to Election Day, Shirlene Ostrov and her RINO brigade has really blown the chance to degrade the Democrat brand and position the GOP brand for victory.  Auwe!

#     #     #     #     #

*** HIRA believes you deserve to know that the Hawaii GOP is just a front organization for liberals who don't ever want the Aloha State to turn red, ever. ***


Final Reflection

There aren't enough Republicans to contest seats held by Democrats in the state legislature.

The Democrats will still hold their supermajority.

There is one solid conservative running for Lieutenant Governor, and that's it.

The Republican Party isn't offering even an echo, hardly a whisper. You can't hear them or see them, unless they say … "Aloha."

Hawaii has remained off the radar for the most part. The state has not gone Republican for a Presidential candidate since 1984, but even Wisconsin went GOP in 2016. While some states have witnessed a massive shift in the last eight years for the GOP (Pennsylvania and Michigan too), states like Hawaii, California, and even Oregon have not broken free of the Deep Blue doldroms at all.

What will it take?

For started, dictator neophytes like Shirlene Ostrov have to go!

But there needs to be real leadership to take its place. Is there hope going forward for Hawaiians looking for any kind of sound governance?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x