The last thing that the state of California needs is more Republicans voting like Democrats and thug going against the best interests of their constituents.

Let me repeat: the Democratic Party which has taken control of the state legislature and the governor's mansion does not have the best interests of California citizens at heart. They want to do the bidding of the selected corrupt interests which own all the power.

They are the ones who are donating the time and connecting all the resources to fatten their own wallets and expand their limited, illiberal influence.

No, the last thing that we need is any legislator pushing a destructive, progressive agenda.

This is all just plain outrageous.

And yet ….

Republicans last year and the year before are voting for these perverse policies which hurt working people and attack our individual liberties.

I had high hopes that even Republicans in more liberal areas would do the right thing as much as they could for their representatives and for the Republican Party.

Instead of voting in the better interests of her constituents and in line with the United States Constitution, Assemblywoman Catharine Baker (R-Dublin) has gone along with her liberal colleagues and voted against the party platform and best values for the state.

She voted for SB 1146!

She also voted for AB 32!

When does this criminal insanity stop?!

And now she is actively pushing a bill to further curtail Second Amendment rights in the state of California.

Check out her latest bill AB 1525:

AB 1525, as introduced, Baker. Firearms warnings.

This bill is the most triggery of trigger warnings.
And yes, pun intended.
Do we really need to tell gun owners and purchasers that guns kill people?
And yet that is exactly what this legislation requires:
Existing law requires prescribed warnings on the packaging of any
firearm and descriptive materials that accompany a firearm sold or transferred
in the state by a licensed manufacturer or licensed dealer. Existing law also
requires prescribed warnings to be posted within the premises of a licensed
firearms dealer. Existing law requires the Department of Justice to develop an
instructional manual to be made available to licensed firearms dealers, who are
required to make it available to the public.

So, there are all of these great laws already in place about firearm safety.
Why do we need more, Catharine? Why?!

This bill would require a specified statement relating to the risks of
firearms and the laws regulating firearms to be included in the warnings on the
packaging of firearms and descriptive materials that accompany firearms, on the
premises of a licensed dealer, and in the instructional manual developed by the
department The bill would require additional specified warnings to be included
at the premises of a licensed firearms dealer.

More gobbledy-gook. Men and women who purchase firearms follow extensive training.

"I will pass a bill that Democrats will like …"

This bill is another sop to the "progressive" impulses running wild in her district.

Catharine, the Republican Party of California is dying fast, and your dithering with the Left is only hastening the demise. This kind of behavior is just plain wrong.
The Second Amendment is facing unprecedented attack. Do we really need both sides of the aisle attacking the Second Amendment rights of every Californian?
Crimes are up. Property damage is up. The rampant lawlessness which defines third world countries has become a growing norm in Southern California, and has become a staple of daily life in some Northern California municipalities.

Existing law requires the department to develop a written objective
test for the issuance of a firearm safety certificate, which is generally
required for the purchase or receipt of a firearm. A passing grade to be issued
a firearms safety certificate is at least 75%. Existing law requires the
department to update the testing material for the firearm safety certificate
test every five years.

This bill, instead, would require a specified warning to be given to a
person who takes the firearms safety certificate examination and would make a
passing grade on the firearms safety certificate test at least 85%. The bill
would also require the applicant to acknowledge receipt of the prescribed
warning prior to issuance of the firearm safety certificate. The bill would
require the department to update the testing material at least once every five

Does Baker own a firearm? Does she have any right, any business dictating to gun owners how high the Second Amendment test should be?
Her argument for doing this?
"The Democrats in the state legislature will like this bill. If I do not submit something like this, then they Democrats will put in their own bill, which will be much worse!"

They can submit any bill they want to regardless.

This kind of stupidity is not logic.

This kind of thinking does not help the Republican Party pick fights.

It just shows that Republicans in Sacramento are not interested in fighting at all!

Call Catharine Baker's office, and demand that she pull this misguided, abusive bill!

CAPITOL OFFICE: State Capitol, Suite 2130, Sacramento, CA 94249 |

DISTRICT OFFICE: 2440 Camino Ramon, Suite 345, San Ramon, CA 94583 |
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