Assemblyman David Hadley (R-Torrance) started getting into politics more actively for the same reason as I.

Obamacare–and the fact that Obama did not care … about the Constitution, the rule of law, the abuse of federal authority against individual liberty and state sovereignty.

I wrote my first of many letters to the Daily Breeze shortly after the March 2010 sudden passage of the law. "We have to pass the bill so you can see what's in it."

Yep, that law.

I had never called my Congresswoman before to rail against a bill that was so bad. Jane Harman heard from me, and did not care. "The Congresswoman supports this legislation," the office staffer told me plainly.

I showed my support for Pete Kesterson, at the time the President of the Beach Cities Republicans.

He ran in the 2010 Congressional primary, and lost.

He stopped leading the BCR, and David Hadley stepped up.

He tells this story to new crowds every time he speaks about his win in the South Bay:

"When Obamacare passed into law, I made the decision to spend 20% of my time in politics."

Now, he is a full-time politician.

David Hadley

Look, I celebrated with many in the South Bay. when he won his improbably victory. Republicans were so happy to have a fellow conservative fighting for them in Sacramento.

He worked so hard. He united diverse, disparate elements in the South Bay. When I wrote about his efforts with the South Bay 100, he informed me how important it was that someone else understood the uphill fight awaiting them.

Hadley pulled no punches with his supporters. He embraced a distinctly libertarian take on marriage and life. He intended to support businesses, stop the destruction of the state's infrastructure to pandering special interests. He wanted to ensure that local school districts would enhance their autonomy from the wasteful state system.

On many of his votes, I was really pleased. I welcomed his push for civil asset forfeiture reform

When he voted for ABx2 15–the assisted suicide bill–I grew alarmed, as did other conservatives.

Members of the pro-life community explicitly cut off support for Hadley after that.


One strong pro-life activist told me that he was very disappointed in this vote, but was more invested in ensuring that Hadley stopped the Democratic phalanx of taxation, spending, and the government-coerced revenue stream which benefited the illiberal interests in the state.

"Starve the beast," he told me. That's what mattered.

But his latest vote has deeply disappointed me.

I wrote at length the need for opposition against SB 10, which issue a request for a waiver from the federal government to allow illegal aliens to purchase health insurance through the state Obamacare exchange.

This is beyond outrageous! Along with Hadley, Eric Linder and Catharine Baker voted for this terrible law. If two have them had voted No, then this perverse measure would have been put on hold.

Republicans have depended on Republicans to stand strong and fight against the demonic liberal lunacy dominating Sacramento.

Now they are going along with it.

What is going on here?!

David Hadley started getting involved in politics because of Obamacare. Now he's helped upend the rule of law and enabled the disastrous Covered California program to allow illegal aliens.

Will his sudden, new-found support for the measure end Hadley's career in politics as quickly as it started?

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