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In the article below, Republican Assemblyman Jordon Cunningham, of San Luis Obispo, is quoted opposing the Sanctuary State bill. Click on the article link and leave a comment supporting this assemblyman. 

CALL and THANK Assemblyman Cunningham for opposing the bill and supporting the enforcement of the law. If it's after business hours, leave a voice mail message. https://ad35.asmrc.org/


Jordan Cunningham


Assemblyman Cunningham opposes "sanctuary state" bill

Governor expected to sign SB 54


SANTA MARIA, Calif. – Governor Brown is expected to sign an historic
bill into law that would make California the first so-called "sanctuary
state" in the nation.
The anticipated move comes after an emotional and heated debate in the
State Assembly on a final vote for SB 54 or the California Values Act.
The final vote was 49 to 25 in favor of the bill which then returned to
the State Senate where it passed 27-11.
Central Coast Republican Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-35th
District) was among those who spoke against SB 54.
"This bill, I have no doubt, compromises public safety",
Cunningham said on the Assembly floor before the final vote was taken, "it
protects suspected criminals from deportation at the expense of law abiding
residents including the ones in their communities."
SB 54, or the California Values Act, restricts how state and local law
enforcement notify and work with federal immigration authorities when illegal
immigrants are arrested and taken into custody.
California police chiefs are neutral on the controversial legislation
but county sheriffs oppose it with some saying it allows undocumented gang
members, drug dealers, sex offenders and other, so-called non-violent offenders
to avoid deportation.
Some Democrats in the State Assembly crossed party lines in voting
against the bill.
"I've supported legal and undocumented immigrants but I draw the
line with the bad guys", said Democrat Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, "I
believe the bad guys in our immigrant communities should be deported."
Democrat supporters in the Assembly said SB 54 will protect innocent
families from being torn apart by deportation.
Other Democrats hope SB 54 will ensure that people in California
illegally will feel safe reporting crimes to law enforcement.
"It's real fear", said Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez
Fletcher, "the kind that makes people stop you on the street and well up
in tears, of families being torn apart because we have not fixed a broken
immigration system."

Governor Brown has until October 15 to sign SB 54 into law.
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