Cap-and-Traitor Cheating Chad Mayes was forced out as minority leader.

But guess what? He has been appointed as Assistant Minority Leader instead. The California Assembly leadership refuse to listen to the voters, the men and women who work hard and elected these individuals to serve the best interests of the people and the state of California.

What is going on here?

I thought that we had a victory here, didn't we?

Steven Greenhut reports:

Revenge of the RINOs: New California Republican Assembly leader Dahle thumbs nose at GOP grassroots

Sacramento . . .
Brian Dahle, the new Assembly Republican leader, just thumbed his nose at grassroots party activists. He announced a leadership team that’s a who’s who of “Republicans In Name Only.” That’s his prerogative, of course, but the lesson the Assembly GOP learned from the ouster of former leader Chad Mayes is to double down on the same strategy of making nice with the Democratic leadership.
The "leadership" will not be lead. They want to dictate, or at least go down making it clear to us "little people" that we will not be calling the shots in any meaningful way–at least as long as they think that they can last up in Sacramento.
WHAT?! Arrogance to the extreme. These politicians failed us. They lied to us, and they need to be held accountable. It's as simple as that. 
After Mayes and six of his Assembly colleagues voted to extend the governor’s cap-and-trade law by a decade, the Republican grassroots was furious. Prominent county party leaders called for Mayes’ ouster. Mayes not only went along with a deal that may increase the price of gasoline by 63 cents a gallon by 2021, but that he seemed so proud of what he had done.

Of course he was proud of it. The lack of activity, of outrage and upset against the
Mayes bragged about his “bromance” with Democratic Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon of Los Angeles. He posed for photo ops with the governor. He lectured conservatives about how the party has to change. The Republicans finally yielded to political pressure and replaced Mayes with Dahle, from the Redding area. Then instead of ameliorating the rift with conservatives, Dahle made these leadership appointments that are likely to infuriate Mayes’ opponents.
The party "leaders" want change because they want to line their pockets, they want to go along with the Sacramento Two-Step. What a terrible set of betrayals. How much more were we going to take? Not anymore! We have gone from Rodney King to Howard Beale! We are not just standing at the balconies, though. We are muscling our political power. Men and women of all backgrounds, conservatives at the kitchen table who can't figure out how to get through the month because the taxes increase and the regulations strangle us every year are not going to sit and take it anymore!
Our streets are unsafe, housing is scarce, the political class is ripping us off, and We the People face jail time for speaking our minds and stating our case. We are not going to tolerate this anymore!
For instance, Mayes is still a prominent part of the leadership team. He was appointed assistant Republican leader. The new deputy Republican leader is Rocky Chavez, the Oceanside Republican who voted for the governor’s deal and is probably the most liberal legislator in the GOP caucus. (Chavez, for instance, received a 75 percent rating out of 100 from Planned Parenthood and a 29-percent vote from the California Labor Federation.)

Rocky the RINO is just terrible. He has routinely played his conservative credentials to the crowds, but at the end of it all he just goes along with the corrupt Sacramento crowd. He wants to play the nice Latino card, going out of his way to turn illegal aliens into citizens without the legal status, while the rest of us taxpayers must pay through the teeth and watch our rights, our standing as citizens become eroded, degraded into second-class status.
Dahle also named Heath Flora of Ripon as assistant Republican leader. Flora is closely allied with the state’s labor unions. The other choices won’t ruffle feathers (Frank Bigelow as deputy Republican leader, Phillip Chen as yet another assistant Republican leader, Jay Obernolte as Republican caucus chair and Marie Waldron as Republican floor leader).
These Republicans are non-essential types. They will do what they are told, and they refuse to make noise or get in people's faces. When does this insanity stop? When we stop letting them get away with it!
Flora voted for the Cap and Betrayal, too. He was backed by Munger money, too.
I’m not sure the point of all these redundant titles, but I am sure of the point that the Assembly leaders are making. They are staying the course, and if the party’s activists don’t like it, it’s too bad.
It is too bad, for them. It's OUR Party, and we will cry aloud, spare not. We are not going to tolerate this abuse of power. These Republicans, whether committee leaders, party brass, or elected officials, all ran on a platform opposing tax increase, wanting to make California work for all taxpaying residents. This constant increase of taxes, of spending, regulatory nonsense, the attacks on life and family, the undermining of the civil and constitutional rights of all Californians, has turned California from the Golden State to the Welfare State, to the Corruptocracy of the Democracy, including illegal aliens, welfare queens, and public sector unions calling all the shots, while taking all of our money, time, resources, and dignity.
Pucker up, Brian!
The fight is not over, folks, not in the slightest. We California conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters, grassroots activists, constitutionalists, citizens are not going to sit back and just take it on the chin. No way!
We have not yet begun to fight!
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