Dear Friend,

This past weekend in PORTLAND was WILD


For the past few months, Antifa has been out of the headlines, but their evil ways were on full display this weekend.


Clad in black, hiding their faces, Antifa protested our Let Us Worship revival on Saturday night.


They hurled the vilest obscenities, shouted, and did all they could to disrupt the people of God WORSHIPPING AND PRAISING, but we were UNAFRAID AND UNINTIMIDATED!!!


Unfortunately, insults and vulgarities were not the worst they hurled at us— Antifa literally threw chunks of concrete in the road to pop the tires of our cars and even tear-gassed a mother and her baby.

Click the video here.



Believers throughout history have worshipped in the face of danger and under the threat of violence, and I’m proud to say Seattle Believers were no different!! 


But Antifa didn't win the day — JESUS DID!! 


Amazingly, MULTIPLE members of Antifa came to know Jesus and were even healed of life-long ailments!! 


There is no one too far gone to be rescued by Jesus, and HE will continue to pursue the lost!! AMEN!!


Till all hear,



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