Attorney General Eric Holder has announced his resignation, and he
will step down as soon as a successor is appointed to replace him.

What took so long? President George W. Bush suffered through three
attorneys general, the first resigning for health reasons, followed by the
second because of conflicts of interest and failures relating to the
termination of US Attorneys, and the third because of the end of the Bush

Eric Holder did not deserve to stay in office for six months, let
alone six years.

His prior activist antics should have disqualified him from nomination.
During his youthful, thug-life college days, he took over any empty ROTC office
as part of the Columbia University Student protests.

Eric Holder, during his young, activist days

“I was among a large group of students who felt strongly about the
way we thought the world should be, and we weren’t afraid to make our opinions
heard. I did not take a final exam until my junior year at Columbia — we were
on strike every time finals seemed to roll around — but we ran out of issues by
that third year.”

He didn’t respect the rule of law then, and refused to submit for
college exams, too?

Then there were comments like these
which revealed Holder's
and hypocritical agenda

One thing that is clear with young people and with adults as well
is that we have to be repetitive about this [gun control]. We have to brainwash
people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
"We have to brainwash people to give up their guns."

During his confirmation hearing on the subject, Holder tried to backtrack from these
? His excuse? “I was
talking about black people.” Well.

Instead of chief legal counsel to hold all branches of government
accountable, Holder was chief attack dog bullying lesser government entities
(city or state) to comply with the bankrupt, immoral worldview of progressive
liberalism: ignoring IRS abuses, seizing the phone records of Associates Press,
and nationalizing Obama’s reckless, executive illegality.

When the American People wanted border security, Attorney General
Holder responded with Operation Fast and Furious. This felony-stupid
gun-running program armed Mexican drug cartels with automatic weapons in an
attempt to track down the whereabouts of these notorious criminal
organizations. The program backfired, literally, killing American Department of
Justice members. Sadly, a complacent and complicit media enabled this Attorney
General to wage war on the rule of law, all while claiming to defend it. Only
the concerted efforts of conservative political cartoonists and Tea Party
advocates maintained aim on the attorney general and the unjust Dept. of

Holder refused
to defend the Defense of Marriage Act
and to uphold the proper definition
of marriage.
pastors around the country
rallied against this man, circulating a petition
to have Holder impeached. While he claimed that investigations into the voting
rights abuses at polling stations would “
demean his people”, he
neglected to honor their staunch support for marriage defined as one man and
one woman.

When the United States Supreme Court struck down key portions of
the 1965 Civil Rights Act, Holder challenged the ruling, as well as ID laws
which have ensure the integrity of the voting process. Still playing the race
card and intimidating local governments to comply with the twisted,
anti-American vision of the Obama Administration, Holder and the
DOJ threatened to sue the little town of
, CA, when the city council
voted against the expansion of a Mosque. City leaders and their representatives
argued at length their concerns with higher traffic congestion and quality of
life issues on Lomita streets, local antagonists charged Islamophobia. The
Department of Justice investigated the proceedings from Lomita planning
commissions, then threatened the city to permit the expansion or face a
lawsuit. With no resources to sustain a defense in federal court, the city

The latest race-baiting prosecution would focus on the riots in
Ferguson, Missouri following the death of Michael Brown, the not-so-gentle
giant who had robbed a convenience store and resisted the police. Instead of
supporting the peace officers and public safety,
Holder announced
intensions to investigate the police department
. The Attorney General transformed himself into General in the
army of Liberalism, culminating in a derogatory, legal smears against the
Ferguson police.

While Holder announced his resignation today (September 25, 2014),
calls for his resignation have remained long and uninterrupted.
US Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) called for Holder's resignation long ago.

Freshman Tea Party
Congressman Raul Labrador
interrogated Holder at length about his routine and repeated
habit of ignorance about criminal investigations and unseemly conduct from key
investigators, who refused to turn over evidence on Operation Fast and Furious.
The full House held the Attorney General in contempt, yet no one has brought
him to justice.
Later, US Senator John Cornyn denounced the Attorney General in one indictment after another,
then called for his resignation. Nothing has happened.

When the United States needed law enforcement, Holder played the
race card.  When the Constitution
deserved defense, he offended its fundamental premises. To the very end,
Holder prided himself on his activist administration. In general and particular,
Attorney General Holder had no business being the chief law enforcement officer
of the United States.

AG Eric Holder resigns
(what took so long?)
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