So much winning!

So much winning.

Even while YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter shut down outspoken conservatives, libertarians, and free speech activists, the liberal news sites promoting open borders, destruction of life and family, and the corruption of our constitutional form of government are going down in flames.

"Cracked" is cracking up

LA Weekly is folding up fast.

OC Weekly is losing staffers.

LAist shut down all its journalists and websites.

Buzzfeed had to lay off a large number of staffers.

And now CRACKED is cracking apart!

Cracked has given the pink slip to most of its main contributors and
senior editorial staff after a tumultuous run following its embrace of social
justice politics.

If you grew up on the Internet, then there’s a pretty good chance you
stumbled upon a Cracked listicle or two detailing something like the “insane
fan theories about movies that make great movies better,” or “creepy urban
legends that turned out to be true.

This magazine used to be a wannabe "MAD Magazine" parody spoof. Then it went SJW, and now it's DOA!
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