Dear CAGOP Board:

 Another reason for
seeking the resignation of current chairwoman Patterson is that for the second
time in as many months, she is seeking to push a rash, rapid endorsement for
governor via a small committee of delegates instead of respect the will of the
entire CAGOP state party delegation.

This is outrageous. This
is monstrous. This is also illegal, a flagrant violation of state party
by-laws. Of course, the state party leadership has been violating by-laws in
considerable fashion, including the sudden appointment of 20+ delegates via
Central Committee spots in the Los Angeles County GOP Central Committee.

SHAME on you, Jessica
Patterson. SHAME!

There must be NO
ENDORSEMENT for any candidate until every delegate in the California Republican
Party state delegation has a chance to vote. And that includes ME.

I do not endorse Kevin
Faulconer, and I never will. We need a real candidate who will pick the right
fights but not kick the Republican Party base in the face. We need someone who
respects what Trump accomplished and embrace his populist reforms, but
establish his own name and play his own game; a canndidate who is not riding on
easy consultant cash money, or the ready greed of a number of consultants who
have become delegates to the state party.

Without any reservation,
I am instructing the five delegates whom I appointed not to support Faulconer
either, in part because of these endorsement shenanigans, in larger part
because he is just another Democrat in RINO clothing.

I am so tired of this. I
have been a Republican since I registered to vote at the tender age of 18. I
refuse to stand by and let the state party be led into such a shameful shambles
of irrelevance and ill-advised illegitimacy. John C. Fremont did not launch the
Bear Flag Revolt to see such idiocy reign supreme.


No forced endorsements!

Patterson, Step Down!

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