Jim McCully, the Regional Vice-Chair of the California Republican Party was part of the purge that got rid of pro-family activist and conservative Ryan Messano.

Ryan Messano

Here's my full report on what happened to Messano.

I sent him a terse letter asking for an explanation:

Vice Chair McCully:

You served this country under three Presidents, is that correct?

You took an oath of office to uphold and defend the United States Constitution, right?

Now you undermine the First Amendment and shut down freedom of speech because … "It might hurt the party"?

Your chairman lied to me, lied to the members, tried to go behind their back.

He took a unilateral action without following protocol of any kind.

People did not die in foreign theaters so that the same people would undermine the rights of others stateside.

With RINOs like you, who needs Democrats?

You purged a guy because why?

You can't stand pro-family values or something?

This won't stop here.

I am sharing what you and Lou did far and wide.


Here's the extensive, embittered answer which I received:

Mr. Schaper,

You do seem to be full of self righteous indignation sir but frankly I don't know nor do I really care who you are or who you think you are. What we do or don't do within our Comittee for alleged wrong doing is controlled under our By-Laws and by the membership of our Committee. 

The By – laws of the Solano County Central Committee were followed this evening with the person present. However, since you are not a member of the Solano Central Committee I fail to understand just what business of yours it is what the  Committee in Solano County does or doesn't do within the confines of it jurisdiction.

The person you seem to be concerned about was within his 90 day probationary period. A vote was taken dealing with the issues at hand in the prescribed manner. The vote was to terminate his membership. He was then notified of his terminaton and his dues were returned.

Now, I checked and determined you are in fact a delegate well good for you but I fail to see how that somehow  confers any special status on you concerning the Solano County Central Committee or any other Committee in the state for that matter. 

I hope this clears up any concerns you might have. However, if you feel you need some further clarification you may reach me on my cell 707-718-4598.


Jim McCully

Regional Vice Chair

I then asked for a copy of the by-laws, and I never got them!

Here's another response that I received from Mr. McCully

The written record is clear. We followed our By-Laws which are ours not anyone else's most assuredly including you sir.
 Stop bothering me and the members of our Committee.  You have no standing whatsoever in any matter involving the SCRCC. Go bother people where they have,  for whatever reason,  given you some standing.


Someone's angry!

What is the matter with these people?

I will tell you: they don't like getting called on their abuse of power. They don't like it when their unseemly deeds are exposed to the public.

But it gets worse.

Check out what Norman Reece, President of the Solano County Republican Assembly shared with me:

Norman Reece
Dear Arthur,
I can see that not much has changed with the Solano County Republican Central Committee since their hostile takeover circa 2012. I endured their “Kangaroo Court” to remove me from the SCRCC when I was the First Vice Chairman of the Committee. Their behavior at that time was an embarrassment to me as a conservative Republican. Any group that doesn’t allow enough freedom of speech to say the Pledge of Allegiance by adding “born and unborn!” at the end is not one that I at all miss being a part of. That’s why your comment in your email below seems so typical as well as laughable: “Now you undermine the First Amendment and shut down freedom of speech because … "It might hurt the party"?” Furthermore, you are wasting your time by engaging them in regard to their “By laws” because they will break them at will and violate Robert’s Rule of Order to accomplish their goals and ends.
Republicanly and Conservatively,
Norman H. Reece <><


By-laws that are meant to be ignored and broken!


And there's more. A member of the Solano County Central Committee RESIGNED over this kangaroo court corruption:

In as much as 4 of my forefathers fought a revolution to establish a
country not ruled by a tyrant and for due process I must follow in
their footsteps and withdraw from my position as ————-,
cannot work for a monarch, and my membership of the central committee,
members are brought in and thrown out without due process. It was an
honor meeting many of you ,as you are hard working loyal patriots!
Please refund my dues

And Ryan Messano responded in turn:

I didn't realize that Norman, that is shameful.  Constantly cracking down on free speech because of activist groups wrath, who may as well be paid by China, because they attack dissenting opinions just like the Chinese government does, has to be dealt with.

Katie and Jack at the Times Herald do the same thing, I'm sad to say.   Jack will edit out whole sentences of mine from letters that he did publish, and now he has an advanced case of Trump Derangement syndrome and will no longer publish conservative letters from me at all.  Meanwhile, he publishes Marxists letters continuously.  He won't tell people that he censors.  It would be bad for business.  He pretends that all opinions are welcome, but behind the scenes he ensures ideas he doesn't  like are silenced.  He will cloak it, as did Jim, as 'it's not what you say that we object to, it's how you say it'.  Ummm, where exactly is that in the First Amendment?  By that logic, the government can object to anything you say because they don't like how you say it. 

Jim and Lou ought to be ashamed of themselves.  It's perfectly disgraceful to call yourself a conservative, and pledge allegiance to a flag, saying the words 'liberty and justice for all', while spitting on the moral virtues our nation was founded upon.  Both of you are hypocrites and ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  You are both a disgrace to our nation.  All your service, your guns, your money and anything else you might have to offer MEAN NOTHING IF YOU ARE GOING TO PUSILLANIMOUSLY WILT IN FRONT OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MAFIA.  We don't need cowards as leaders.  I'd rather fail in a cause that ultimately succeeds than succeed in a cause that ultimately fails.  Why did you even invite me to the meeting if you had decided already what course of action you were going to take, and refused to listen to what I was going to say, or even permit me to talk?  It appears to be a show trial that the Nazi's and Communists are notorious for.   

As for the charges that a Vallejo Police Detective contacted Lou about me, that is very disturbing.  Why is it alright that I am a free citizen, and a candidate for public office, and for the crime of repeating the First and Second Amendment, the police are weaponized against me?  I have tried to contact Vallejo police chief Bidou numerous times to review his illicit removal of me from City Hall, when it was my turn to talk, for no other reason than the Mayor disagreed with what I had to say.  This is a gross violation of my First Amendment rights, and it's only due to cowardly local lawyers, who are afraid of their leftist liberal lawyer brethren, and the leftist juggernaut legal titans, the ACLU, SPLC, and NAACP,  that Vallejo has been spared a massive lawsuit.  Why is it that the Vallejo Police won't meet or discuss their actions, but is engaged in covert operations behind my back?  Sounds pretty fishy to me.  Further, following the mass shooting in a Florida school earlier this year, I commented at a Council Meeting at Vallejo City Hall, with zero subtlety or guile at all, that the Second Amendment gives us the right to be armed just like our military is.  This is in keeping with Paul Revere's ride, to warn Americans that the British were coming for their guns.  So, I stated that we ought to have the right to carry a bazooka or a machine gun if we wish.  For this interpretation of the Second Amendment, the Vallejo Police deemed me a menace, and has been evidently surveilling me surreptitiously.  What I want to know, is how did the Vallejo Police Department find out I'm a member of the Solano GOP, without a warrant?  Are they tapping my phones?  These are perfectly reasonable questions and inquiring minds want to know. 

As a newspaper editor, Jack, why aren't you interested in the trampling of the rights of citizens in your town?  Why aren't the  citizens of Vallejo entitled to know about rogue police actions? 

Jim, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  I honestly initially admired you for your service and business acumen.  I didn't say much when you rudely silenced me for your kangaroo court and proceeded with your near Hitler verdict.  It was a total fraud.  First, your bylaws are bogus.  Who you sleep with is not a Constitutional Right.  So, basically, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality, which God, history, Jesus, the Bible, our Founders, and science all do, is considered a criminal influence in your eyes.  This is very disturbing.  Rewriting morality is what preceded Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the bloody French Revolution.  Votes  and money don't mean anything when you are willing to throw freedom under the bus.  And how is it that random unsubstantiated allegations are enough to get someone kicked out of an organization. How credible can that organization be? 

There are brave patriots, like Sam and Bessie Rocci, Arthur, Norman, Kit, and others who refuse to be tyrannized over.  There will be more.  No wonder there are only 50,000 Republicans in Solano County, compared with 100,000 Democrats.  The Republican leadership is trampling the very values of virtue and liberty that the Republican party was founded upon.  Prostituting themselves out for money and votes.  There are Democrats who are willing to listen, yet when our leadership hears the faintest sign of disapproval, without proving it, they will open fire on their own ranks.  What kind of organization does that?

Shame, blame, and name, that's the name of the game! 

'power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'
Lord Acton

Would you like an answer as to why Messano was removed from the Solano County GOP?

Do you want some answers why we are seeing conservatives getting purged from GOP Central Committees all over the state?

I asked another member of the central committee, and this person affirmed the same argument, that Messano had violated the by-laws.

BUT HOW? This person could not tell me, and this person could not provide me a copy of the by-laws, either! How is it possible for a central committee to engage in such an arbitrary, capricious manner, and the members can't explain the votes, the rules, or the rationale?!

Please contact Regional Vice Chair Jim McCully and ask for some answers!

Jim McCully, Regional Vice Chair
Cell: 707-718-4598
Email: mccullygunn@aol.com

Also, ask the Solano County Chairman, Lou Webster, why he tried to purge a conservative without even permitting the full committee membership to know what was going on!

Lou Webster, Solano County "Chairman"
Cell:  (707) 372-0419
Email: louwebster@comcast.net
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