What can I say? I have a lot of haters!

The latest hater, who thinks that it is OK to smear and defame people who disagree with them, is an unemployed embittered (fill in the blank) named Alexandra Lynn:


She is currently unemployed, at least per her Facebook page:


I guess the law firm didn't care for her work? Maybe she was playing video games too much:




Then again, it looks as though she did not have much of an education, or that she did not prize her education to begin with.

Who needs three years to complete an education at El Camino College? Seriously?!


It took her three years to complete an AA degree? Or what?
Whatever she learned, she obviously did not value it very much:


Selling one's cap and gown … Sad. But you really have to wonder if she's educated at all … "Is it to [sic] late to sale [sic] my cap and gown .."
To late? To "Sale"? Wow. No wonder the law firm didn't want her.
But the biggest problem with Alexandra Lynn is ….
She is a hater.

What motivates her hate?

She clearly does not respect herself. Anyone who advertises their lack of educational rigor clearly lacks in the self-respect department.

She seems to celebrate the corruption of minors, too.

It is really shocking, outrageous, and just plain disgusting the articles that she promotes on her Facebook profile:

A five year old boy brought heroin to class. She recommended sharing this?

She actually liked an article about a child who brought lethal drugs to class for "show and tell". Really? It's one thing to hate adults, but to have such a hatred of children, that one delights in their delinquency like this … there are no words for such deviance.

But it gets worse:

Absolutely disgusting. This is the article, and this is to show that it is no joke, no laughing matter what she shared, what she "likes".

She liked this?! Children who were caught (or more likely, forced) to make illicit videos at a school in Mexico … and she liked it?! This is beyond disgusting.

There is no way anyone with any decency could like this. There is no reason anyone with any decency would share something like this. What sick, twisted mind would find something like this worth … "liking"?!

I wonder if she supported SB 145, too, legislation which allows predators to prey on minors, and avoid the sex offender registry in the state of California.

And there are other perverted things that Ms. Lynn likes, too:

Why is Lynn obsessed with sex? Why does she think that the corruption of minors is worth liking?

Now I can understand why she hates me. I absolutely oppose such detestable abuse of children. Shameful!

And of course, her disrespect towards minorities is really shocking:

Edwin Duterte is a Filipino-American professional. Why anyone would call someone of minority status "boo boo" is just beyond me. For the record, Mrs. Lynn did not clarify whether she would vote against Prop 16, which if it passes will reinstate discrimination in employment and hiring practices in the state of California.

Ms. Lynn celebrates the corruption of minors.

She has a problem with people who do not look like her, it seems.

She doesn't have a job (apparently).

She is not very educated. Does she play video games to escape her hollow, hate-filled life, too?

I can see why she is a hater, and why she hates me. That's OK, though. I am used to hate from hateful people who don't know how to behave in public, who have no respect for children, who have no honor for themselves. It's inevitable.

Then again, do you think someone so hateful, so bigoted, should be allowed to share such filth publicly? Why not ask her yourself. Here is her Facebook profile. Send her a message.

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