Congressman Steve Knight has signed onto the discharge petition to push for floor votes on immigration bills. Three of them will have some form of amnesty.

The fourth bill, which has yet to receive a number, would be an enforcement bill, which probably won't pass. That defeat is outrageous.

Here's the Red Alert on Congressman Knight:

We The People Rising
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——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RED ALERT: Rep. Knight Joins Amnesty Effort In The House!
From: Greg Aprahamian Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 7:09 pm
To: Greg Aprahamian  





Dear Friends,


I have alarming news,  The day after of our huge victory in Santa Clarita where we became the first city in Los Angeles County to join the court challenge against SB54, our Republican Congressional Rep. Steve Knight has decided to rain on our parade and has announced he is joining with every House Democrat and is filing a discharge petition to force a vote on amnesty for illegal aliens.


This discharge petition is kind of a shell game called “queen of the hill”  where it will force a vote on four different bills, three different versions of amnesty and one enforcement bill.  The enforcement bill will not pass and at least one of the amnesties will pass with 100% support of the Democrats and a hand full of pro amnesty Republicans, and Steve Knight is one of them.  


Steve Knight has announced he is the 18th (Republican) Congressman to sign the discharge petition.  


Despite pledging not to support amnesty for illegal aliens, this discharge petition will force a vote on amnesty if seven more pro amnesty Republicans sign on.


This is a huge slap in the face of his constituents that oppose amnesty for illegal aliens.


Simi Valley and Santa Clarita unanimously passed court challenges to SB54, (first in their respective Counties) and Rep. Knight represents both these cities in Congress.  This was a strong and clear anti amnesty, anti sanctuary message .  How could Steve Knight be so blind and deaf to not acknowledge the will of his constituents and see the unanimous statement that they made?
Please make this urgent call and tell Steve Knight and tell him:   
to remove his name off of the discharge petition.


Thank you,
Greg Aprahamian


Washington: 202-225-1956


Palmdale: 661-441-0320


Santa Clarita:   661-255-5630


Simi Valley:   805-581-7130




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Our representatives have a responsibility to protect our rights, secure our borders, and ensure our nation's sovereignty. Our leaders should not be cutting deals with recalcitrant members of the House. If Democrats don't want to protect our rights and secure our borders, then they can pay the price at the ballot box in November. I shared those thoughts with the Congressman's office today.

Lots of constituents are probably hammering his office right now, because the staffer went out of his way to explain that Knight is only supporting the discharge petition, but will not vote for amnesty.

Yet bringing the bills to the floor for a vote is unacceptable, too, and I signaled my displeasure right away.

Congressman Knight's staffer was helpful and informative. First, he explained that the Congressman does not want amnesty–yet he has cosponsored legislation that would grant legal status to some illegals in the country who were brought in as children. Those crimes are the fault of the parents, not the United States citizens.

Now, for specifics.

The discharge petition is H.R. 774.

The four bills that would be considered should the discharge petition pass are:

1. H.R. 3440, The DREAM Act (Roybal-Allard) Just Say NO!
2. H.R. 4796, Uniting and Securing America Act of 2018 or the USA Act of2018 (Hurd) No. It provides grants for border security, but nothing about the wall. It also outlines legal status for illegal aliens who came to this country before 2013 at under 18 years of age. No.
3. H.R. 4760, The Securing America's Future Act (Goodlatte). This legislation is "the better" of the three known bills, but still not good enough. Any legislation which allows for any kind of legal status for illegal aliens is dead on arrival with me and should be roundly rejected.
4. This legislation would focus on enforcement, in line with the President's wishes. No details have been revealed about this forth proposal.

The point of all of this rests on the following: Our elected officials have a clear responsibility outlined in the United States Constitution and in line with their oaths of office.

Contact your Congressmen, and tell them that they need to put Americans first, enforce our immigration laws, secure our borders, and ensure the lasting sovereignty of our country.

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