Ah, the joys of federalism!

Yes, the President and Congress have failed to provide comprehensive immigration reform, but can we really blame them?

The United States is deeply divided in this issue, within and among the several states.

Alabama is taking a bold, not draconian, stance on this issue. Finally, a federal court is recognizing the right of individual states to regulate the influx of illegal immigration.

Directing law enforcement and public sector services to investigate and confirm the status of suspected illegals is not cruel, yet is a necessary measure.

Once again, the crass editorializing of the LA Times shines through: The Alabama statute is anti-ILLEGAL immigration, not immigration per se.

Stop spinning the truth!

Besides, hand-out gestures like the DREAM Act and the Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Security Act only enable and encourage more illegal immigration. If the American People want to resolve this issue reasonably, perhaps we should demand that Congress take up former Republican Senator Mel Martinez' Compromise Bill, which would fine illegals who have lived in this country for extended periods of time, then require those who have lived in this country illegally for few years to leave and get in line.

In the mean time, we should applaud not condemn those state who have mustered the courage and initiative to deal with this problem.

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