Al Muratsuchi is a massive union whore.

Now he's anti-Christian, anti-religious bigot who wants to shut down every form of free thinking and thought in the state of California.

He voted for legislation which would ultimately shut down every church and outlaw the Bible because the counseling, teaching, and information promotes natural marriage, gender identity, and family roles.

This is beyond disgusting.

Conversion therapy is completely appropriate for men and women who do not want same-sex attraction anymore. If they want to be set free from desires and demands which harm their bodies and minds, they are entitled to seek that treatment.

This is a full-blown attack on Judeo-Christian values, right here in the state of California. This is happening one step further than the awful affront that is SB 1146.

Shame on any legislator who supports such perversion.

Help out the California Family Council and put a stop to this shameful disregard for the rights of citizens and the rule of law.

AB 2943 threatens free speech & religious liberty. But YOU can fight back!

By now you know about AB 2943, the latest attack on the First Amendment to come out of Sacramento. California Family Council is working around the clock with our local, state, and national allies to oppose this dangerous legislation.
That's why I need your help!
CA Assemblyman Muratsuchi on #AB2943:
The Faith Community Must "Evolve With the Times"
The above video makes it clear: California legislators simply do not respect our freedom of speech and religious liberty. That's why you and I must speak out together, now louder than ever!
As the saying goes, "to help them see the light, sometimes you have to make them feel the heat." Here are three ways you can make a difference:
  1. CONTACT YOUR SENATOR! Using our special website, send a letter to your legislator urging them to VOTE NO on this dangerous assault on our liberties. Once you've done so, share with others you know in California!
  2. COME TO THE CAPITOL! Next Tuesday, May 15, citizens from across the state will gather on the north steps of our Capitol for California Family Council's "Day of Action." You can find out more at the event page on Facebook and RSVP using this form.
  3. GIVE TO SUPPORT CFC! Everything my team and I do to defend Life,Family, and Liberty is possible thanks to generous friends just like you. We cannot do this alone. Please invest in our work to defend religious freedom for all Californians!
The next few weeks are pivotal in the battle to defend religious liberty in California. Now is the time for all people of faith to be salt and light in Sacramento and across the Golden State!

Please support CFC today!

Your prayers and financial generosity mean so much to me and our team. Thank you for helping California Family Council shine the light of God's truth in The Golden State!
"JonathanStanding Together,

Jonathan Keller
President & CEO
California Family Council

P.S. We continue to see a truly AMAZING response from our efforts to oppose AB 2943. But we cannot continue our work alone. Today, would you prayerfully give a gift (of any size) to support our work? We are honored to be your voice in Sacramento!
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