The American Civil Liberties Union needs to be sued in turn.

Shame on these people. They promote anti-American hatred, all while claiming to be a signature, pro-American platform. What a bunch of bigoted frauds.

We need to stand up to this immoral corruption. American exceptionalism is not something to apologize for, but something to celebrate.

It's time that we get into action and push back!

Hi Arthur –

Today we're headed to Washington, DC to stand beside immigrant youth in the face of Trump's racist, anti-immigrant agenda. Since he ended DACA last fall, over 800,000 Dreamers have been left hanging, unsure of what lies ahead. But no matter what happens, we want young immigrants to know we're on their side – and on the side of the constitutional principles of this country.

You won't want to miss this event. Go to at 12:30 p.m. ET to tune in LIVE. Speakers include Anthony D. Romero and Lorella Praeli of the ACLU, and Eli Cuna of United We Dream. We're all taking to the streets to support all of the Dreamers who call the U.S. home.

Trump has made it crystal clear that he's okay with tearing apart families for political gain, but we're not going to stand for it. That's why we're headed to the White House to show Trump what America is all about and hold him accountable for the crisis he created. In D.C. for the event? Here are the details:

Trump: Don't Deport Immigrant Youth Action
Sunday, March 4 at 12:30 p.m.
The Ellipse (near the corner of 15th and Constitution Ave. NW)
Washington, D.C.

We won't stand by as Trump threatens to deport millions of immigrant youth – but we need your support. Take part in this historic event: Tune in LIVE at at 12:30 p.m. ET.

Thanks for all you do,

The ACLU Online Team

P.S. If you're in the Washington, D.C. area, please join us in person – RSVP on

DACA is over.

This country is doubling down to ensure that our sovereignty, our security, and our sanctity are protected at every angle. Enough of this nonsense.

We need to fight to put Americans First! We need to ensure that the Gospel is preached, and that every person can believe in grace and truth without fear or recrimination.

The American Civil Liberties Union does not understand liberty or civility anymore. Is it any surprise that they have become so anti-American, too?

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