Random Lengths News editor James Preston Allen reported on Washington D.C.’s “embargoed” commemorative statue of Rosa Parks, the civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on the bus. “She was tired”, as old Eddie shared in the movie “Barbershop”. 

She was tired all right: tired of being treated with disrespect; tired of unequal treatment under the law; and tired of being told where to sit, what she could and could not do, and how much she could make.

How would Rosa Parks respond to the record of the first black President Barack Obama and his party?

Parks would be appalled at the terrible conditions which African-Americans continue to endure. Because of President Obama’s ruinous “progressive” policies, African-Americans suffer under unemployment twice the national average. Black youth face 50% unemployment. Blacks are not doing or making much under this President. Republican Ron Paul denounced the discrimination in the criminal justice system on because of the failed War on Drugs. Obama has done nothing to amend the unfair sentencing guidelines which put poor crack users in jail longer than “refined” powder cocaine users. Because of these and other unjust sentencing guidelines, blacks still suffer unequal treatment under the law.

Parks would be disgusted by the welfare state and Democratic resistance to school choice. 

Progressive President Lyndon Baines Johnson expanded welfare for this reason: “We’ll have those n—ggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years”. 

President Obama refuses to allow black families to choose their children’s schools, yet Obama enrolls his children in elite private schools with elite security. Johnson’s invidious comment and Obama’s callous indifference validate the argument of black intellects Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams: Because Democrats enable dependence and resist school choice and vouchers, they basically tell blacks where to sit.

Parks would be dismayed that the Democratic Party has taken the black vote for granted. While Republican Mitt Romney attended the NAACP Conference in 2012, Obama skipped it. Talk about disrespect. Democrats and Progressives, from Woodrow Wilson to today send black people “to the back of the bus”.  Republicans offer them the front seat (Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, and Edward Brooke), or let them own the bus if they want (Herman Cain).

Edward Brooke

Clarence Thomas

To paraphrase crappy rapper Kanye West, "President Obama does not care about black people.”

Ms. Parks would shout: “President Obama, stop putting my people in the back of the bus!”

To Mr. Allen, she would write: “Stop covering up the dangers of Progressive policies to minorities!”
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