The editors of La
Opinion claim that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is paranoid because President
Obama wants to confiscate all guns.


In reality, the President
of the United States has been confiscating much more. He has imposed taxes on
middle-income earners and hospitals with Obamacare. Fewer people can afford or have
access to healthcare. Medical devices will have an added tax, and homeowners
will also pay a tax on any capital gains that they earn from selling their
homes. His spending has created more debt and inflation, both of which
discourage investment and diminish trade.


President Obama has confiscated
the potential wealth and recovery of this country with one bad fiscal policy
after another. The failed stimulus of 2009 failed to stimulate anything but
salary increases for bureaucrats and subsidies for non-existent Congressional
Districts. The Dodd-Frank bill did nothing to break up Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac, the two organizations which were at the center of the sub-prime loans and
the housing crisis which followed. President Obama hired the same corporate
executives who were implicated in the housing crisis. Forty-three million
Americans are on food stamps and struggling to find work.


President Obama has
confiscated the lives of many youth by deploying troops into Afghanistan, where
they are fighting a losing war against Islamic insurgent. Now Afghan police
officers, trained by American soldiers, are shooting


President Obama has
confiscated the hopes of many peoples in the Middle East. He has alienated
Israel while emboldening enemy states after radical forces overthrew
sympathetic leaders in Egypt and Libya. He refused to champion protestors in
Iran when they rebelled against the Iranian President’s dubious reelection.


Not just the NRA, but
every American should be paranoid about what President Obama is confiscating.
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