If all politics is local, then local problems can illustrate
the national conscience and need for principled consensus.
Thursday morning, and a colleague in shock informed our work
group that Houston, Texas police officers were arresting 1,200 people for delinquent
student loan payments. Today, forty—40!—million Americans are still paying for
that college education which should have paid for itself after years of study
and a good job that followed.
That Houston drama is red meat for the liberal media, to seduce
readers to vote for another liberal candidate promising free everything.
Another point: debtor’s prison is unconstitutional.
Yes, Paul Aker owed money to Alma Mater Prairie View A &
M (All Your Money?). The $1,500 ballooned into $5,700 because of non-payment (D
& B, dead beat) after thirty years.
The authorities had called Aker; he blew them off. They posted
notices on his door; Aker ignored them, even called one of them “a joke”. Finally,
two US Marshals arrived at Aker’s home, and the frightened debtor ran to back
of his house, shouting: “I’ve got a gun!” Law enforcement back-up showed up to
help the marshals. They cuffed the delinquent (pun intended) and took him up to
jail. After a few hours in lock-up, Aker was released.  A judge sternly rebuked him for non-payment, ordered
him to pay back the loans and also cover the marshals’ costs.
What was Aker arrested for? It had nothing to do with the
student loan: “Aker … booked for disobeying a court order and released — but
not before getting a scolding from the judge.” Lesson learned: If a judge tells
you to come to court, show up!
The media culture chose to play the victim card, a good
guy-bad guy narrative that shames law enforcement (in Texas, even better!)
against a black man (if you didn’t notice, or perhaps you already guessed that
Aker was black). Voila: the story of jailed debtor over student loan payments is
too good to ignore. And it fits the liberal talking points so well, too. Any
debt that you and I have is someone else’s fault.
Of course the wider narrative which has folded out of this
law enforcement fiasco calls attention to the loan: “He was arrested for not
paying up!” No. Aker was aching for an arrest when he repeatedly refused to
show up, and even taunted law enforcement to come get him.
Now, the wider context on student loan debt.
This issue is weighing on some voters’ minds. Millenials are
saddled with college loans, disappointed by smarmy promises from college
recruiters and high schools counselors that a four-year degree was worth the
wait (and debt). Yes, there are teeming masses of student loan debtors,
yearning to breathe free. Bankruptcy is not an option, prohibited by federal
law. Besides, the consequences can linger for at least a decade.
Libertarians like John Stossel have denounced the federal
government on student loans, arguing that liberal politicians tout college as
the pathway to success. Granted, all of this is true. College grants have enticed
millions to take the government-subsided higher education plunge. Yet let’s starting
acting like adults. I am one of those Americans still paying student loan debt.
I do not blame the feds for my debt situation. I pay for it and take steps not
to go there again.  Costly outcomes occur,
and yet instead of feeling sad or bitter, I choose—yes, choose—to be glad of
what could have been and make better on what I have. Liberty opens our eyes to
opportunities, even in the midst of our want. We can have more even if we find
that there’s not much.
To Big Government progressives like Barack, Bernie, and
Hillary, debt (personal or national) is a means to an end, not something mean
(i.e. cruel) which needs to be ended. The Democratic Presidential candidates have
made student loan debt as fundamental feature of their campaigns. Weekend at
Bernie’s is promising free college and loan forgiveness. Madam Hillary is
playing a little closer to the center: free community college and lower student
loan rates. The Democratic Party Establishment is praying that Hillary stays
centered, since a Bernie win in the primaries could further erode the desperate
Dems’ general election chances.
On the Republican side, very few candidates talk about
student loan debt.  Carson says “no free
college”. Good for him. Only two candidates have offered a comprehensive
student loan plan, both already tarnished with the Establishment label: Marco
Rubio and Jeb Bush. Rubio pushed a bipartisan solution in the US Senate:  deduct funds automatically from individual
paychecks, a percentage of one’s income, not exceeding a specific amount, with
partial loan forgiveness after twenty years, and more to follow after thirty.  Bush offers a fixed line of credit and more
education on student loans. These plans sound compassionate. But isn’t
compassionate conservatism what led us to Barack Obama?
The most compassionate approach to student loan debt is a
reality check, the most recent one to be cashed came not from a Presidential
candidate, but one-term
conservative Congressman  Joe Walsh of
. He reamed out constituents for blaming the banks for the housing collapse.
They ignored the reams of regulations and profligate loans to irresponsible
adults who could not pay them. Lots of people have debt. They needed to be more
informed. Perhaps we shouldn’t have listened to adults who said “Take on the
debt and you will pay it off in no time!” Better economic growth and
opportunity can help the next generation defray student loan debt.

Presidential candidates shouldn’t offer more “solutions”.
Republicans are (supposed to be) all about individual liberty, which ties into
personal responsibility. If the federal government engaged in predatory
practices to coerce people into bad loans, end them now. If someone takes a
loan, they have to make the payments, or face the consequences. We are already
a truly indebted nation, and we shouldn’t make it worse for those who have
already paid their debts.
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