If the GOP wants to win the Presidency, they need a winning and winnable candidate. None of the four remaining contenders have yet contained the concerns of primary voters or captured the nomination.

Rick Santorum is sweeping the Midwest, Newt Gingrich is still scooping up support in the South, and Ron Paul is tagging along, getting out the message about limited government and Austrian economics. The Congressman will not win the nomination, but at least he has won the attention and sponsored the concern of many troubled by Big Government only getting bigger.

That leaves the lukewarm moderate Mitt Romney, a conservative lacking conviction or a convicted following beyond the "take what we can get to take down Obama" crowd.

None of these candidates have gathered consistent support from the Establishment, the Conservative Base, or the Tea Party Caucus. Neither have they offered a record to attract undecided and independent voters, those will decided the general election.
Since the delegates have broken along factions of fancy and following, the only viable option left is a brokered convention in Tampa, one in which another dark horse candidate, one with a committed resume and a commitment to conservatism, country, and community, who can take off in a short time and unite a widespread coalition – both disparate and growing desperate — of national, fiscal, and social hegemony among voters.

This country needs integrity more than change, and consistent leadership more than flashy rhetoric and empty promises. Another GOP candidate must throw his hat in the ring if this country wants to see better days.

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