How many people in the state of California work for the government? That would be one explanation for the majority support for tax increases.

Even though the number of public workers is dwindling, certainly a majority of residents in the Golden State feed off the emaciated goose of government, which has less gold to give as taxpayers fall out of work, as businesses continue to flee the state, and as government officials refuse to deal with annual budget deficits.

Of course a majority of voters in the state of California support a tax hike on the wealthy along with an incremental increase on sales tax. Yet has anyone consider that as taxes go up, more moneyed individuals go out?

No matter which tax initiative hits the ballot in November, there will be less wealth to pilfer and push around. The state will still struggle with its spending problem, and the revenue will still not return. The fairy tale of higher taxes leading to higher revenue is sadly still turning heads in this state.

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