Dear fellow CRP Delegate:

Does the California Republican Party want a Chair that is “bi-partisan”?

For too long California conservative politics have been run by those that want “go along to get along”. California is at the cross roads. Now trailing those that declare themselves as independents for the first time, we need a change of direction, just as the country has done over this past 2 years. More of the same is not the answer! Here are just a few of the current Vice Chair of the CRP’s public statements on President Trump:

  • Daily Breeze of October 15, 2016, Hadley, a Manhattan Beach businessman and current Vice Chair of the CRP said: “I have never supported Trump, I have never voted for Trump, I’ve taken out everything but a billboard announcing I do not support the nominee of my party.”. He went on to say: “I’ve shown bipartisanship. I think I’m a vote for balance and common sense. And I think that beats machine politics.”
  • From the same Daily Breeze article Hadley states “Trump owes the American public his tax returns before he asks us to consider him for the presidency, but I don’t believe we will ever see them.” Since President Trump has not yet released his tax returns the question must be asked “Will David Hadley continue to oppose Trump being on the ballot?”

  • Los Angeles Times of July 5 2017 announced David Hadley’s’ bid to run for Governor (which ended two weeks later, “Arguing that California is at a crucial crossroads, Republican David Hadley is announcing a bid to be the state’s next governor. The former assemblyman, who voted against Donald Trump in the fall, is a social moderate and fiscal conservative…”

  • Manhattan Beach Patch, August 3, 2016, “”Here is the bottom line: I am not voting for either Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump,” he wrote. “Both have shown themselves unfit for the highest office in the land.” Three weeks before the 2016 November election Assemblyman David Hadley made it clear where he stood on Donald Trump stating in a Mercury News article “I have never supported the GOP nominee.”

  • San Jose Mercury News, October 17. 2016, “In a coastal Los Angeles County district represented by GOP Assemblyman David Hadley, the campaign of Democratic challenger Al Muratsuchi hung signs saying “Trump-Hadley” in big letters from street poles, as if the two are running mates. In tiny letters at the bottom, the signs include the required disclosure that they are paid for by Muratsuchi’s campaign. Hadley has been publicly critical of Trump and says he has never supported the GOP nominee. And three weeks before the Nov 16 election a spokesman for Hadley told the Los Angeles Times, Hadley hasn’t made up his mind whether to back a third-party candidate or abstain from voting for president.

It is clear that David Hadley did not support the President. Statements like “…Donald Trump is unfit for the highest office in the land…” and “I have never supported the GOP nominee…” makes it clear what he thought of him, even going as far as to consider a ‘third’ party candidate. Given the extremely positive economic signs, lowest Black and Latino unemployment on record, lowest general unemployment in 50 years, strength shown again by an American President on the international stage and the massive benefits to American workers from renegotiated trade deals, has Hadley had a change of heart or does he still believe President Trump is unfit for the office of President? Does Hadley believe America is going in the wrong direction? Just google Hadley and Trump. You will not find any statement where he supports President Trump or thinks he is fit for office.

For the president’s re-election in 2020 we need a united Republican Party in California to work with GOP volunteers, Trump supporters, the White House and the National Republican Party. Would David Hadley be on board with this united approach? We need a leader that is unequivocal in his support for the president and we need that leader to ‘hit the ground running’ in 2019 after their election to the Chair of the CRP. Through his anti-Trump rhetoric, his open disdain for the President and his publicly stated willingness to vote for a ‘third’ party candidate, Hadley has isolated himself from Trumps massive supporter base here in California and indeed a National Republican Party that grows daily into the Trump Republican Party. During the election of 2016 it was the California base of 330 thousand ‘Trumpsters’ that, through their projection of strength into 5 battle ground states (AZ, FL, NC, PA and MI), won the election for Trump. That was the mission given to California; to win these states.

Now it is California’s turn to fight back and we do not need a ‘Never Trump’ person leading the way. David Hadley has a lot of explaining to do and we cannot afford to have a Chairman that will need to expend massive amounts of time and energy to gain the trust of ‘the Trump base’ here in California and the National Republican Party leadership.

Lee J. De Meo
CRP Delegate

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