Prop 1: NO — Bonds are bad. They cost more than they are worth, and we have enough money, but for all the wasteful spending.

Prop 2: NO — No Housing Bonds, either. Just No.

Prop 3: NO — see above.

Prop 4: NO — Hospitals need more freedom from bad regulations, not more bond money.

Prop 5: YES — Lower property taxes is a win for homeowners, consumers, and cities as a whole.

Prop 6: YES! YES! YES! — We want to repeal that horrid gas tax and the car tax, too!

Prop 7 — Yes. This is a symbolic gesture, but gives the state legislature the authority to end Daylight Savings Time. We don’t need this anymore.

Prop 8 — NO! This is socialized medicine at its worst, putting regulation and red tape onto already cash-strapped and harried medical facilities. This would essentially shut down dialysis clinics. NO!

Prop 10 — HELL NO! Rent control, and not just for apartments, but for homeowners, would be a nightmare. Massive violation of private property rights. It would make the housing crisis worse. Homeowners would flee the state, and apartment owners would sell their properties and have them demolished. This will make an already bad problem so much WORSE!

Prop 11 — YES. This law allows private ambulance firms to honor their contracts with cities and counties, allowing the employees to remain on-call during breaks. The “No to Prop 11” movement is a bunch of bitter union hacks that is trying to hold onto what little power they have left following the Janus vs. ASCMFE Ruling earlier this year.

Prop 12 — NO. This misguided measure will not protect animals and will jack up the price of goods in the state of California. We are taxed and regulated enough. NO!

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