As I was rifling through the paperwork and all the other stuff that I picked up from the LA County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission Town Hall in South El Monte, I found this pamphlet from LA County Sheriff Jim McDonnell.

Indeed, he took the bold stance of opposing SB 54, and then pushing for major reforms to the legislation.

They are not enough. I am not sure what to think at this point, since his latest brochure to the public seems more interested in making so-called immigrants feel safe, when in fact those who are in this country illegally–illegal aliens–should be deported.

Our communities are not safer when lawbreakers are allowed to run rampant, break our laws, and walk around in broad daylight in open defiance of our immigration laws. This is wrong. Illegal entry and unlawful presence are federal crimes, and our local and country law enforcement should assist our federal partners in deporting all illegal aliens.

They need to leave.

I am so tired of our elected officials paying all this attention to illegals. When will they start caring about American citizens once again?


Sheriff McDonnell was willing to take a stand against SB 54.

Will he take a full stand for the rule of law once again?



“Diverse” is not a strength or a value or an end in itself. It simply does not matter. In fact, an insistence on creating these diverse outcomes creates more problems. I want unity of culture, not color.

 I want the the Sheriff’s deputies to gain the trust of California’s law-abiding citizens and legal residents.

We matter, too!


I do agree that police officers on the streets do not have the time to be federal immigration officers and deputies. I do believe that they should be helping federal immigration officers. They should respond affirmatively to ICE detainers. They should provide all information regarding the legal status of illegal aliens. When they commit another crime, they need to be arrested, sentenced, deported.

I really like David Hernandez’ idea, to invest in constructing prisons in Mexico and in other Latin American countries. Let these illegals go back to prison in their home countries. We are paying for their crimes, and we are paying for them to remain in our state.

All of this is wrong.



I think that illegal aliens should be deported, especially when they are pulled over for a traffic stop.

How many illegal aliens are getting away with breaking our laws, endangering our citizens.

They need to go. Get them out of here. I want our county law enforcement to get rid of illegal aliens. I do not want them to come to California. They should not feel safe here. They need to go back to their home countries and come legally.








And here’s a solid irony from the South El Monte town hall forum, too:

The county provides a citizens’ guide, yet at the same time the county is teaching illegal aliens that they can reside in Los Angeles County without fear of punishment or retribution. When does this insanity stop?

We need law enforcement to … enforce our laws. Why is this such a challenge for all of us? Why is this an issue for the LA County Sheriff?

And who is paying and prodding for this insanity to go forward unabated?

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