This town hall was not very well attended, to say the least.

Earlier this week, I found out that the Torrance Democratic Club, along with other local Democratic clubs, was hosting an event with Democratic LA County Sheriff candidate Alex Villanueva.

He wanted to host a town hall–round table to answer questions from the public.

Well, I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity, now, could I?

I reached out to members of We the People Rising as well as other activists in the area.

Wednesday night is not the easiest night for activists or everyday citizens to step out and learn about political issues and campaigns.

But I have the time, and other members of the wider activist base which I have learned about were able to come out tonight.

I really had no idea what to expect. I thought that a number of Democrats and other left-wing activists were going to show up and try to keep us out. That’s what has happened to me and other conservatives in the past.

This time, though, the door was pretty much wide open for us to come in.

And look who was there?

The creepy flashlight lady, aka RG Wong.

And with her was Alex Villanueva, the candidate running for LA County Sheriff against Jim McDonnell.

We need law enforcement to protect citizens. We need law enforcement to respect the rights of citizens not illegal aliens.

Yet listening to Alex Villanueva, he seemed more interested in playing to “Victim groups” than representing the needs of citizens.





It was really disconcerting to see him here in Torrance of all places.

Let me also add that there were very few people there.

Robin and I made it clear what issues we stood on: no illegal immigration, no sanctuary state.



Mr. Villanueva needed a lecture on the United States Constitution, and the Supreme Laws of our land.





And here’s RG Wong, the silly Flashlight Girl, who gets really violent really quickly.


Why is she wearing sunglasses indoors? There is plenty of light in the room, too.

I told her that she wouldn’t need a flashlight if she got rid of her sunglasses.

But she won’t take my advice …

Gary suggested that she’s probably high on drugs, which means that she has to cover her dilated eyes.

I think she has a criminal record which she doesn’t want anyone to learn about.


RG harassed Robin Hvidston last year, rushing after her with a camera and getting in her face.


Villanueva couldn’t handle the tough line of questions from me, Gary, and Robin.







Who would really want to sit next to that hideous creep?

I am talking about the one wearing sunglasses, by the way …





I had to fix that picture of her, of course!




No Sanctuary State!

Torrance needs to oppose SB 54!


The reporter didn’t seem too keen on getting to more substantive issues. Where was the Daily Breeze? Or the Los Angeles Times, for that matter?!


Some of the liberal residents in audience became very hostile, including creepy RG. There was also a loudmouth from the Torrance Refinery Action Alliance, whose scare-mongering about the refinery has not swayed many people in the city of Torrance.

I got a number of them admitting on record to the camera that they have no problem with open borders and want to welcome all the illegal aliens into the United States.

At the end of this would-be town hall, Villaneuva learned about two officers getting gunned down in East Los Angeles. Because he had to leave right away, he ended the discussion, but at the same time had enough time to take photos with some of the people in the round table. Really?!

Where are the priorities here?

When I confronted that TRAA lady, RG Wong completely lost her mind and started blaring her airhorn at me and others. She hurt so many people.

One of the Torrance airport employees ended up throwing her out of the Airport Museum for that.

What a vindicating evening it was for us!

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