Tyranny and anarchy is ruling the day in the federal court system.

The latest ruling, this time from the federal district court in Washington DC, has ordered President Trump to reinstate the DACA program.


These courts are overplaying their hand, the same way that the regressive, left-wing press has gone full SJW. They had enjoyed such sweeping powers undisturbed for decades. Now that President Trump is reasserting the rule of law, now that he his Making America Great Again, now that he is expecting every acting political agent to to respect the rule of law, we have federal courts fighting as hard as they can to make themselves unconstitutionally powerful.

They don’t want to let go, the same way that Chief Justice Roger Taney invalidated the Missouri Compromise and dishonored black people in Dred Scott v. Sanford. Taney and other justices would fight against Lincoln’s efforts to effectively prosecute the Civil War to a civil end. They even tried to subvert his constitutional power to suspend habeas corpus during the Civil War, even though the United States Constitution permits his power to the chief executive during times of insurrection.

Lincoln fought his own party, he fought the Democratic Party, and he stood strong against an abusive judiciary that was determined to shred the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence.

This judicial recalcitrance must be disciplined and stopped as soon as possible.

Judges are not above the law, either!


Earlier today, a district court in Washington, DC ruled that Trump ending DACA was wrong. Here’s what you need to know:

Right now, you can still apply to renew your DACA. But if you’ve never had DACA, you cannot submit new applications at this moment. And, if your DACA expires before 2020, you should renew now. If you need help with the application, information, or covering the fee, visit renewmydaca.com and we’ll make sure you have everything you need.

If you aren’t a DACA Recipient, we need you to step up and help in two ways:

  1. At $495 per application, DACA renewals are unaffordable for many recipients. We can’t stress enough how urgent it is that we are able to cover these fees for DACA recipients who can’t afford them. That’s why we’re asking:


  2. While the judge did call for USCIS to continue accepting DACA renewal applications, and begin accepting new DACA applications, this won’t happen until August 23. At this time, nothing has changed. We expect the Trump administration will respond before August 23rd, which could change the whole outcome of this ruling. Please help us spread the word to DACA recipients, to ensure they know to renew NOW if their DACA expires before 2020. We have a whole support guide available with everything they need at renewmydaca.com — so share it with your networks now!Share DACA Information

We are here to support you and ensure that as many people as possible have what they need to renew their DACA. As soon as we have more information, or any new updates, we will email again — so keep an eye out for our messages.

No matter what comes next, our communities are #HeretoStay and we will keep on organizing to protect one another. Thank you for being a part of this movement and this community with us.

Nestor, and the rest of the team at United We Dream


This is not going to last very long. This is not going to go very well.

Shame on this abusive, rogue judiciary. This abuse of power will not last forever.

I think that Congress should seriously consider vacating all the judicial officers in districts and circuits which routinely defy federal law and the constitutional executive power of the President, especially for political means.

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