Mr. Patrick Delaney


Mr. Delaney:

I have read numerous recent reports on LifeSiteNews, which claim that Israel is committing genocide against the residents of Gaza and the West Bank.
Including your report:
That makes no sense whatsoever.
The population in Gaza has ballooned to over two million people over the last twenty years. The population in the West Bank is three million. There is no genocide. There is no ethnic cleansing. The “genocide” smears are beyond lamentable. They are dangerous and destructive.
The death rate ratio of civilians to combatants in the current conflict following Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7th is two to one, which is far lower than during the fight against ISIS or even the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. The Israeli military forces go to great lengths to warn residents to flee targeted military areas, too:
It is beyond irresponsible to equate Israel’s retaliatory action against Hamas as a “genocide,”
Bear in mind that even the residents in Gaza are blaming Hamas for the humanitarian crisis that has ensued in the region:
Now, I looked at the video from Al-Jazeera detailing the treatment of Palestinians in the region:
What I see is Israeli soldiers mocking male MILITANTS, as they have every right to do. Notice how the prisoners are men, not women and children. In stark contrast, Hamas terrorists targeted WOMEN and CHILDREN, burning babies in their cribs. Why is there no attention paid to those atrocities? These male militants have lined up with Hamas and are helping to perpetrate horrific crimes against innocent Israelis and Gaza residents, which include Muslims and Christians, I might add.
For the record, Muslims serve willingly, and voluntarily in the IDF, while Jews are required to serve in the IDF. Are you suggesting that Muslims and Arabs are perpetrating genocide against their fellow Muslims and Arabs?
Also, where is the evidence of sodomizing? I do not see it. Where is the torture? There is no torture documented in that video. Why not provide us with the actual social media accounts of the Israeli soldiers themselves, then, and let us see them.
Also, Al-Jazeera news, the source of the video in your article, is funded by the pro-terrorist Qatari government, and is hardly reliable for information.
The Qatari government is complicit with funding and fomenting terrorism around the world:
Keep in mind that the now-deceased leaders of Hamas were living in the lap of luxury in Qatar, all while their own people were starving and dying in the streets of Gaza.
I am really stunned at the lack of journalistic integrity here. It’s disturbing.
This is all wrong, and LifeSiteNews editors need to take a firm stance against this corrupting pro-Hamas editorializing.
I see that many of your readers are rebelling against this fraudulent “reporting,” too, judging by the fact that you have suspended comments on the article:
Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: Comments have been disabled because of the volume of hateful, condemning, intolerant comments and false accusations from readers who disagree with our reports on the Israel situation. We cannot give a platform for such comments and encourage careful reading of our articles and viewing of the full videos BEFORE making any conclusions. These articles have been thoroughly researched and written to provide the balanced perspective missing from almost all Western mainstream media. This is responsible, truthful journalism that LifeSiteNews specializes in and which you can always trust.
The fact that Mr. Jalsevac repeats “truthful” suggests: “Me thinks he doth protest too much.”
It is NOT truthful, and for that reason, there have been numerous comments condemning your awful reporting. The fact that the editor will not allow comments means that the site cannot handle the truth of others’ criticism.
You are not helping the pro-life and pro-family cause when you publish these pro-Hamas lies and this slanted, pro-terrorist narrative.
I want to give special commendation to Mr. Smeaton, who gave me considerable time to share my concerns. I do appreciate that he edited an article that had given glowing, undeserved praise to anti-Semite white nationalist Nick Fuentes.
Now it is time to restore serious journalism when it comes to coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Or, might I advise getting back to coverage of the fight to protect children and families from the dual scourges of abortion and sexual perversion?

Arthur Schaper

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