1. If money was not a limit and failure was not a concern, what would you pursue passionately in your life? Is this different from what you are currently pursuing?

2. Be honest: Are there any toxic relationships or friendships in your life that you need to let go of for your own well-being? If so, when & how will you do it?

3. Are you living authentically, or are you trying to conform to other people’s expectations & opinions? What is the last time you put something off that you really would like to do yourself?

4. If people speak at your funeral, what values of you do you want them to highlight? Are you currently behaving in a way that will make this happen?

5. If you could rewrite your life story, what plot twist would you introduce, and how would it change the narrative? In what way can you work towards that narrative, starting today?

6. Who, what & when was the last person, experience or event that truly hurt you? Why did it hurt so much? What lessons can you learn from them? How can you implement them today?

7. If the 3 people closest to you, would die tomorrow, what would you regret not saying to them? Will you say it soon?

Make sure to save this post, so that you can revisit them at a later moment.

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