This is really disturbing, and I will share my thoughts on all sides of the issue. We need to walk away from this pandering as much as possible when we vote. Who cares if the candidate looks like you, if he does not care about you or the issues you care about?!

Identity politics is harming our country. We have local and even state officials that make broad pronouncements of racking up a whole host of “Asian-American” endorsements.

Check out the latest set of identity-political vote-pandering from Bridget Lewis:


The racialism has been dialed up another notch in Torrance politics.

Yes, Torrance has the second largest Japanese-American population in the United States, after Los Angeles.

Yes, there is a considerable Chinese and Korean community in Torrance, as well.

There are a number of active churches and community groups with large Asian populations, too. The LA County Democratic Party has often referred to the Assembly seat nestled here in the South Bay as “The Asian seat.”

And yet …

The LA County Democratic Party and their corrupt allies played this race-card crap in 2022 … and it failed miserably.

Every Asian-American Democratic politician lined up behind Cliff Numark … and he lost! Torrance Mayor George Chen ran on a clear platform of reaching out to voters and presenting a more responsive city government to the public.

The list of incumbent Asian-American Democratic politicians are not an impressive bunch, either.

George Nakano is a has-been. The only reason he gives out his endorsement is so that he can feel relevant again. Sure, they named one of the theaters after him in the Torrance Cultural Arts Center, but George needs to know when to quit. He is the “Richard Riordan” of Torrance politics.

Then you have Lyin’ Ted Lieu and his abrasive wife Betty Lieu. They are way too liberal in their leanings for the city of Torrance, yet they manage to hide their extreme, progressive views from the general public. Congressman Lyin’ Ted Lieu is one of the most abusive, arrogant members of Congress, as well, walking out of prayer sessions on the House floor and yelling at witnesses when they testify before key congressional committees.

Both Lyin’ Ted and his wife have embarrassed themselves and the city by attending offensive “PRIDE” parades in Los Angeles:


Here they are with serial rapist and convicted murderer Ed Buck. To this day, we have no record whether the Lieu’s returned any campaign donations from Ed Buck and his campaign.

Then you have Asm. Al Muratsuchi, who pretends to be moderate when visiting with voters in the district, but votes hard-left back in the legislature. He voted for zero bail, to allow sex offenders to avoid the sex offender registry, and he wanted to force people of faith to give up their core convictions. He also refuses to take a stance against corrupt, pro-criminal district attorney George Gascon.

These Asian-American Democrats are out of touch with the general community. They are not fighting for the issues that people care about, and they spend a great deal of their time pandering to wild progressives and crazy communist elements in Los Angeles County.

Torrance voters want better, and they are expecting better.

The local and county Democratic Party apparatus still have not learned their lesson. Torrance voters are tired of business as usual from the Scotto-Furey phalanx, which benefited a local elite, a small club of political cronies and their friends who slap each other on the back and have no regard for the needs of others.

Those days are over, and trying to change all of that with

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