I just found this political flyer yesterday morning in West Torrance:


Yes, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party is taking the time to tell voters how to destroy their county even more.

The LA County Democratic Party has been taken over by wild socialists and communists, creepy SJWs more intent on destroying the last remnants of this once great country, state, and country.

And they really think voters are lining up to hurt themselves more.

But who is the LA County Democratic Party endorsing in Torrance elections for this year’s primary?


Of course they are endorsing Janice Hahn and Al Muratsuchi. They have been in perfect lock-step for the regressive leftist agenda throughout the county, the same regressive, leftist agenda which gives more rights to criminals and privileges to the homeless at the expense of the law-abiding taxpayers.

But I was surprised, dismayed, and quite disappointed with the other two endorsements.

Jeremy Gerson was a Republican when he was elected to the Torrance school board in 2018. He even met with me directly when I was complaining about the Black Lives Matter propaganda at Madrona     Middle School four years ago.




And now he’s a registered Democrat? This is really disturbing.

And then there’s Bridget Lewis.

I had high hopes for her. She answered a number of my email correspondence last year, and she greeted me warmly when I went to the city council meeting in early February 2023.

But now this? She’s endorsed by the LA Democratic Party? She flip-flopped, too. She was a registered Republican when she was appointed in 2022. She sold out so she could get more money to run for city council. Haven’t they learned from the failures of Torrance Democratic Club president Jimmy Gow? He has run openly as a partisan Democrat in two city council elections, with all the backing of the LA Democratic establishment … and he still loses!

Torrance voters want principles and results, not all of this political pandering. This is really outrageous. I am so disgusted, especially by the complicit double-dealing of these two, having registered as one party then moving to the opposite extreme. There is no integrity here, not commitment to any value consensus.

But that’s not the worst of it.

Look at the other list of endorsements on the same exact flyer:


This is beyond insane. This is just evil. What political party in its right mind would still support pro-criminal, pro-lawlessness, anti-law enforcement LA County District Attorney George Gascon?

Even progressives are turning on Gascon, since they had voted for a reform-minded DA, not a regressive who would destroy the county, make the streets less safe, and even endanger the so-called targeted groups like “people of color.” What they got is a great breakdown in law and order. Of course, law enforcement should uphold and the rights and safety of all LA County residents, but you get the point.

If you vote the LA County Dem ticket, you are voting for George Gascon.

Torrance residents, if you vote for Bridget Lewis and Jeremy Gerson, you are voting for George Gascon. You are validating the same corrupt political machine that puts woke political posturing ahead of the people. It’s your choice, but I hope that Torrance is better than that.

I recognize that there are registered Democrats who are not crazy. They want a secure border, they want proper law enforcement. There are even registered Democratic lawmakers across the country who oppose abortion and the sex mutilation of minors.

But those Democrats do not exist in the LA County Democratic Party. The whole hateful ensemble is controlled by spoiled brat college students who want to ignore public safety and push their demand for a socialist dystopia at all costs. Common-sense voters are no longer welcome. By the way, the Democratic Socialists of America, who now run the LA County Democrats, are going bankrupt, so there’s that.

If you want George Gascon as your DA, you will vote for Bridget Lewis and Jeremy Gerson. They have no problem identifying with the same corrupt, destructive political enterprise that is undermining Los Angeles County. A vote for Bridget and Jeremy is a vote for George Gascon.

I want law and order, safe streets, better governance, efficiency, and a real attention to the needs of Torrance residents. I don’t trust either of these two Torrance City Council candidates to get the job done. The Torrance City Council already issued a Resolution of No Confidence in George Gascon three years ago. We should have no confidence that Gerson and Lewis will do what is best for the city of Torrance.

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