GoOD Morning Everyone… This is a LONG READ… PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, take the time it deserves. There is much to be done.

Many of you already know that I have (once again) been reeled in by GOD Almighty and I have renounced my stand that homosexuality is innate or part of our design. 
I do NOT want this to come in between my relationship with many others that believe differently. We must ALL be united against the TransQueer Rainbow Cult as it rapidly moves in on the youth!

The last 2.5 years that I have attempted to be an example of what a “gay Christian” is has failed miserably because it is literally impossible. GOD allowed me to see that very clearly.
I have some amazing relationships with folks that identify as homosexuals & lesbians, I will not toss them under the bus and walk away just because I believe it is sin.
I will remain friend & associate to all who will embrace me AS I AM. I will NOT be beating anyone in the head with Scripture or my beliefs. I WILL be the example in Word, Deed & Action as I am called to be… and that may be different for each unique relationship I have with others. 
My goal is to introduce anyone that comes into contact with me to The CHRIST by not beating them in the head with Scripture or doctrine.
The only goal is to unite as many as possible to stand against the lgbTQia TransQueer Gender Rainbow Cult and to protect the children from being targeted, preyed on, and devoured by this diabolical political agenda threatening to consume the entire planet!
As a detransitioner (former trans-identified person), with decades of life’s knowledge & experience in that world, I tell you all that the confusion of gender dysphoria, better known as transgenderism, is absolutely mutable & curable! The underlying issues are what must be addressed.

Confusion is a condition; conditions need healing, NOT hormones; conditions need treatment NOT encouragement. 

I once stated, and I sincerely believed at the time, that I “felt like a woman” but that statement was absurd; having never actually been a woman, I could not possibly know what a woman feels like. Truth be told, I felt like a man; a confused man that was suffering from trauma induced dissociative disorder and a slew of other disorders/comorbidities.

IBA Ministries has one goal; to bring HIS Truth, in Love, to a lost and dying world by exposing the darkness of the lgbTQia Trans-Queer Rainbow Cult to those it has lured into it’s web of deception as well as the sexualization, abuse & confusion that comes with being a part of that cult, while also revealing the difference between the lgbTQia+ TransQueer cult and those who are, were or will be victimized by this movement and are used as pawns to further a very wicked political agenda!

Truth can be, and often is, offensive to those who do not live in it. I am not out to mock others, put them down, belittle them, debate, argue, yell at people or any of those things, I leave that up to those who utilize those methods. I’m just here to tell the Truth, by telling people all about themselves by telling them all about myself. This very powerful tool, my testimony, exists for a purpose.

There is no limit to the men that I can reach, and that can relate to me or my history.  At a very young age I was targeted, groomed, sexualized, victimized, raped, sex-trafficked, conditioned and criminalized by members of the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult. I eventually felt as if I had no purpose, no dreams, no goals, no hope; only desires & lusts. I was a sex-addict as well as a conditioned victim before I even became a teenager.

As a victim of sexual abuse & mental anguish I chose to dissociate from who/what I was in hopes of escaping all that I was enduring.

Suicide. Molestation. A life doomed & littered with drugs, alcohol, prostitution, victimization and even murder. It was a prison guard that reached me, with Truth, in Love. I was blinded & confused; but now I see with clarity like never before. 30+ years of darkness and death; I now live in Light and Life, even after falling away for the last 2 1/2 years. I have learned a lot of very important lessons & material, and now I’m back!

GOD pursued me. HE fed my hungry heart with Truth. GOD chose me, For Such A Time As This. GOD Loves us all, sinner and saint. However, HIS Love doesn’t get us into The Kingdom of Heaven; HIS Mercy does that! We do not have to obtain HIS Love to get into The Kingdom, but we must obtain HIS Mercy.

After living for 30+ years in darkness (transgender confusion, homosexuality, prostitution, sexual brokenness, drug-addiction, alcohol addiction, sex-trafficking, perversion, deceit, trauma and tragedy) there is nothing more Joyful than having GOD Almighty stop you in your tracks, wake you from your slumber and give you exactly what you’ve been asking for & seeking your entire life! I was lost, broken, hurting, destructive, confused & deceived. HE rescued me more than once!

HE has given me clarity & focus, as well as purpose.

I am a man of GOD that chooses to deny self and all of the perverted lusts & desires of this ole flesh. I have tried to embrace same-sex attraction as a “lifestyle” but was adamantly reminded that it is a deathstyle! Being homosexual is no different than being a sex-addict or being a liar, cheater or fornicator… sin is sin, guilty of one makes you guilty of all.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in The CHRIST, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

I have surrendered. I am in The CHRIST. Old things have passed away. All of my confusion and deceit, as well as thoughts & emotions, have truly passed away. I am a New Creation. Again!

This one topic of same-sex attraction has given many people only one choice to make; choose either “the church” or choose your “orientation.” There has been no common ground, and that is the problem. 

We have abusers in the church building begging for forgiveness, and getting it. We have addicts falling at the alter and receiving forgiveness and being embraced. But those folks KNOW what they’re doing is wrong, homosexuals (for the most part) do not know! They believe that it is a part of their design.

Nobody should be forced to make the choice between who & what they believe themselves to be VS seeking The FATHER’S Face. Just love them and fellowship with them, let GOD’S Holy Spirit do the rest.

The difference between the lgbTQia+ TransQueer Gender Rainbow movement and those who have been used & manipulated by this movement is not the actual individuals or people, the movement itself is a dark political mass of wickedness and evil that is using, confusing, bamboozling & abusing individuals to believe deceptions and lies over Truth. This ole world has given these confused deceived people a platform and a foundation to sincerely believe their deceptions.

The lgbTQia+ TransQueer rainbow movement is a cult, not a “cause”, it is a prideful & spiteful ignorance that is damaging, traumatizing and raping the minds of individuals that are weak, weary, worn out, confused, broken, hurting, deceived, emotionally unstable and just seeking affirmation and Love. The bright, colorful, shiny, ‘happy-go-lucky’ rainbow movement has truly done serious damage to individuals, especially the youth! The youth are being targeted, preyed upon, indoctrinated, sexualized, victimized and lured in by way of their emotional fragileness and need to belong!

You do not have to be a Christian or even agree with me on doctrine to help make a difference or communicate. Just keep it real… people are NOT projects. We all deserve the opportunity to grow and mature in HIS time and as HE reveals Truth to each of us as only HE can do.

I know this is a long read, but I certainly appreciate you taking the time. There is an urgency that we cannot take lightly. Let’s unite, lock arms and stand against this darkness trying desperately to consume your children & grand-children!
In HIS Loving, Firm & Precious Grip, David

PS – the website is back up and running… still working on the blog and all of the other aspects of social media slowly…. there is quite a mess that needs to be cleaned up after the last 2 1/2 years. ♥♥♥ 

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