I have been an activist for over ten years in conservative, constitutionalist circles. I have been fighting open borders, illegal immigration, forced unionism, and the LGBT agenda in many different forms. I have become a stronger proponent of natural law and natural rights, as embedded in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

One of the key tactic which I learned about fighting the Regressive Left and all their perverse iterations is that we want to win the culture war, not just claim victory after a couple battles.

In 2018, the Rand Corporation studied the strategies of war, and they summed up my sentiments on the culture war fight very effectively:

With very few exceptions, all wars and almost all battles are decided by matters of human will: Breaking the enemy’s will to fight while sustaining one’s own will to fight is the key to success in battle. But as focus on technology increases, the essentially human nature of war is all but ignored. Lack of focus on will to fight has created a dangerous gap in American military practice.

When it comes to fighting and winning the American Culture War, there is no better fighter, general, activist than Governor Ron DeSantis.

In his campaign autobiography, The Courage to Be Free, DeSantis outlined how he was ready for work on Day One of his gubernatorial term. He had all his appointments ready. He articulated a clear attention. He formed the necessary relationships with the state legislature, and he pushed through key reforms from the start.

His efforts more than paid off, and from 2018 to 2022, Republican power in Florida accelerated considerably! Republican voter registration now outstrips Democratic voting registrations by nearly 1 million votes. Registered Democrats elected to local city councils and county governing boards have been endorsing Governor DeSantis.

He defeated former Republican-turned-Democrat governor Charlie Crist by double digits, winning hard-to-win counties like Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties.

Republicans won every statewide office, including Agriculture Commissioner, which was originally held by a Democrat. Republicans gained a supermajority in both chambers of the state legislature as well, and these Republican lawmakers were more conservative, since DeSantis supported and promoted conservative primary challengers to further his agenda in the state.

According to Florida Democratic Party activists, they got wiped out in 2022, and it does not look like they will every recover. The Florida Democratic Party did so badly on Election Day 2022, the chairman of the Florida Democratic Party resigned!

They have no hope. Governor DeSantis and his Republican juggernaut has broken their will.

He destroyed the Dem Party in Florida. He doesn’t just win. He demoralizes them as well. pic.twitter.com/dq64c9Ky3m

— Salty Sea 🇺🇸🖤🪸 (@SaltySeaFl) January 15, 2024

Here’s a key section from the Washington Post article referenced above:

More than two months after humbling midterm losses in a longtime battleground, Democrats are in a state of disorder and pessimistic about 2024.

Florida has a long history as a battleground state in American presidential politicsl. From the dubious election results in 1876, to the protracted legal battles of 2000, to the Obama Administration’s intense focus on Florida, winning the state twice in 2008 and 2012, to Trump’s return victories in 2016 and 2020, Florida has been trending red.

But now the state is firmly in the Red Republican column, and there are recriminations from the Biden came that the state is out of reach for them. Consider what one Democratic activist shared on condition of anonymity:

Now, as Democrats look to 2024, there are few early signs that Florida will be a top priority for President Biden, who has said he intends to run for reelection. A Biden adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe strategy, said decisions about whether a reelection campaign would invest in Florida would be based in part on the Republican nominee. Some Democrats see little hope of contesting Florida’s 30 electoral votes — only Texas and California are allotted more — in 2024 if DeSantis is the nominee, while there’s a greater opportunity if former president Donald Trump wins the GOP nod.

I submit that even if Trump is the GOP nominee once again, Florida will still be out of reach. Trump’s margin of victory will be much narrower than a presidential nominee DeSantis margin of victory, but it will still be there.

Let’s focus on the sense of abject despair among Florida Democrats, though, in that same article:

“The thing about Florida Democrats is we keep learning with every passing year that just when you thought you had hit bottom, you discover that there are new abysses to fall deeper and deeper into,” said Fernand Amandi, a veteran Democratic operative in the state. “There is no plan. There’s nothing. It’s just a state of suspended animation and chaos — and, more than anything, it’s the mournful regret and acceptance that Florida has been cast aside for the long, foreseeable future.”

I want to rest on the key words in the above statement: “abysses” (not just one abyss, but multiple depths of failure and loss), “Deeper and Deeper,” OUCH!; “There is no plan. There’s nothing.” Wow! The death rattle is ringling loudly for the Florida Democratic Party! They not only have no chance, they have no hope of a chance for the “foreseeable future.” They cannot even imagine a possibility of victory.

That is how you break the will of a political opponent! They can’t fight, and they see no point in fighting!

Consider what veteran Democratic operative James Carville intimated about Florida, as well:

Democratic strategist James Carville said Thursday during a visit with MSNBC’s Joy Reid that Florida might be a lost cause for the Democratic Party and they might have more luck trying to boost black voter turnout to flip places like Mississippi and Louisiana. 

He would then state:

“I think Democrats would be better off looking at Mississippi than Florida.”

Florida is the third-largest state in the Union, and likely to the be the second-most populous state in the union. And you have James Carville, the hard-core Democratic operative/activist who predicated a long Democratic reign shortly after Obama’s victory in 2008, who declares that Florida is out of reach for Democrats.

He has given up. His will has been broken, and Governor Ron DeSantis made that happen!


Governor Ron DeSantis didn’t just sweep the Sunshine State, he crushed the communistic, Democratic Party opposition. It’s over for the Florida Dems. And it is spectacular to behold!

DeSantis broke the will of the Democratic Party in Florida. Imagine the work he could do in the White House. Imagine having a Republican President who fights to destroy the corrupt, communistic Democratic tyranny across the United States?

One has to ask, though: do Republican voters want to win, or are they more interested in just feeling good and playing up controlled opposition?

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