We Have it in our Power

to Begin the World over Again

In the Appendix to Common Sense, first published on January 10, 1776 – Thomas Paine wrote about the “birthday of a new world,” with this timeless reminder that fits today – and every single day of the year:

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”

With that reminder as our foundation today – I wanted to share with you ten of my favorite quotes from leading founders and old revolutionaries that set the stage for how we’re approaching things in 2024, and beyond. I present them without (much) commentary – the words speak for themselves.

James Otis, Jr. – Submission and Tyranny“So long as people will submit to arbitrary measures, so long will they find masters”-January 11, 1762

James Iredell – Stopping Usurpation“The only resource against usurpation is the inherent right of the people to prevent its exercise.”-Speech in the North Carolina Ratifying Convention (1788)

Mercy Otis Warren – Resist First“Resist the first approaches of tyranny.”-Writing as “A Columbian Patriot” – Observations on the New Constitution (1788)

Thomas Jefferson – Nullify!“Where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy”-Draft for the Kentucky Resolutions (Before 4 Oct 1798)

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Oliver Ellsworth – Void“If they make a law which the Constitution does not authorize, it is void.”-Speech in the Connecticut Ratifying Convention (1788)

Alexander Hamilton – Yes, Even Hamilton“It will not follow from this doctrine that acts of the large society which are NOT PURSUANT to its constitutional powers, but which are invasions of the residuary authorities of the smaller societies, will become the supreme law of the land. These will be merely acts of usurpation, and will deserve to be treated as such.”-Federalist 33 (3 Jan 1788)

Roger Sherman – Void and States“All acts of the Congress not warranted by the constitution would be void. Nor could they be enforced contrary to the sense of a majority of the States.”-December 8, 1787

Breaking Free

Breaking Free from the Monster State

In order to go from the largest government in history to a real “land of the free” – these 5 foundational principles from the founders and old revolutionaries – are an absolute must.Audio and Video Podcast Here

Patrick Henry – Bring it“If this be treason, make the most of it!”-Speech against the Stamp Act (1765)

Thomas Paine – Fear“The strength and powers of despotism consist wholly in the fear of resisting it”-Rights of Man, Part II (1792)

Samuel Adams – All Might be Free“The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.”-Essay as Candidus in the Boston Gazette (14 Oct 1771)

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