After Wisconsin MassResistance raised the alarm: Catholic Diocese halts LGBT effort by two liberal Catholic churches

The churches (and their leaders) had been part of radical group distributing graphic LGBT sexual books for children.

The Left lashes back at our success – but to no avail!

December 30, 2023
ALT TEXT The local coalition of odious left-wing churches was pushing “freedom to read” pornography for children.

In many places, the Catholic Church leadership is under fire by faithful Catholics for its unwillingness to oppose (or even for its complicity in) the LGBT agenda. But in Wisconsin, the Church leadership has stood tall. With help from our MassResistance activists in Kenosha, the Archbishop of Milwaukee ordered two local Catholic churches (and various Church officials) to cease and desist their involvement in a group pushing pornographic LGBT books on children.

Removal of pornographic books from school libraries angered radical leftists

Beginning last summer, our Wisconsin MassResistance chapter in Kenosha successfully pressured the local school system to remove several horrible pornographic LGBT books from the school libraries. This was applauded by parents.

But it angered the rabid pro-LGBT anti-family leftists who are obsessed with pushing their filthy material on children.

Leftists organize to distribute “banned” LGBT porn books to children in the community

On Sept. 29, the MassResistance parents in Kenosha were shocked to read an article in the local newspaper. A coalition of local far-left churches calling itself “Congregations United to Serve Humanity” (CUSH) was collecting copies of the “banned” homosexual- and transgender-themed books pushing sexuality on children.

They told the newspaper that their collection will include graphic homosexual sex books such as Gender Queer and This Book is Gay. CUSH would then create a “traveling LGBTQ library” to make the books available to children across the city.

CUSH outrageously labeled their pornography effort as “Freedom to Read” (a phrase peddled by the American Library Association). In their public announcement, CUSH dishonestly mixed the LGBT books with so-called “banned” books from decades ago and “civil rights” books which parents have no problems with. But it was clear that their true intentions were to promote LGBT pornography to children.

Two local Catholic churches involved

Several of our MassResistance parents in Kenosha are devout Catholics. They were particularly shocked to see that two local Catholic churches were listed as members of the CUSH coalition, and leaders from those churches were on the CUSH Board of Directors!

Those churches were known to be “liberal,” but this was beyond the pale.

Getting the Archdiocese involved

On Oct. 2, the Catholic MassResistance parents contacted the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which oversees Kenosha:

We have been fighting pornography in our public school libraries. To find out that St. Mary’s and St. Mark’s are members of an organization that is working against us and the teachings of the Catholic Church is scandalous. This should not be tolerated. Could you please address this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

The Archdiocese takes action!

Several weeks went by. Finally on Nov. 27, the Vicar for Clergy of the Archdiocese responded to our activists.

He told the parents that the Archdiocese had spoken to the pastors of the two churches directly. He also sent the pastors and their staff an official letter on behalf of the Archbishop on Nov. 21, which was also made public. The letter stated the Archbishop’s position very clearly:

None of our parishes, clergy, parish leadership, and staff as official, public representatives of the Catholic Church, can support, or publicly be affiliated with CUSH.

It turns out that for the past several years the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) had been giving grants to CUSH, totaling over $200,000. Earlier this year, the Archdiocese had stopped approving those grants because of CUSH’s support for abortion. But its objection did not go further than that. This new policy statement made the disassociation from CUSH complete – and also sends a strong message about support for LGBT activities.

Religious Catholics celebrate this big victory

Also on Nov. 27, a member of MassResistance’s leadership team (who is also a lector at Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Kenosha) issued the following public statement:

I’m very active in the Catholic community here in Kenosha and it’s deeply disturbing that two parishes are listed as members of an organization that is wildly anti-Catholic in their beliefs and mission. It’s no secret that St. Mark and St. Mary are the more “liberal” of the city’s parishes and, at best, fail to properly address moral issues in our society today. The liturgical abuses, wacky preaching, pro-LGBTQ messaging, and their support of an extremist organization in CUSH, which proliferated pornographic material to minors just this past month at their “Banned Book Drive” in partnership with the infamous host location of Drag Queen Story Hour, Blue House Books, has gone largely unnoticed and unpunished. I’m so pleased that the Archdiocese has ordered them to disassociate with this radical liberal organization in conjunction with depriving CUSH of funding. My heartfelt thanks go out to Abp. Listecki and Fr. Reesman for their faithfulness.

This statement was also published in a conservative news site serving the Kenosha region, the Kenosha County Eye:

ALT TEXT The conservative media in Wisconsin tells it like it is!

Angry CUSH leftist lashes out

The forced disassociation by the two liberal Catholic churches, as well as the loss of CCHD financial support, inflamed the local radical church leaders still in CUSH.

On Dec. 17, a female Unitarian assistant minister in the group wrote a scathing op-ed in the local liberal press denouncing “extremist groups and individuals in our area” (i.e., MassResistance parents) who were informing the community and the Archdiocese exactly what CUSH was doing.

The article repeats the litany of leftist lies, distortions, disinformation, and logical fallacies that they throw together whenever they are challenged. Every one of her absurd points can be easily debunked. She is obviously counting on an audience of readers that is completely ignorant and lacking in critical thinking regarding this issue. It should be embarrassing – but they are beyond shame.

Final thoughts

Winning battles like this may seem fairly inconsequential at first. But they’re not at all! The psychological effect on the other side is bigger than you might think. And they bring instant momentum for the next win!

Kenosha is on a roll! We’ll have more to report in the coming weeks.

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