Christina Pushaw lays down some harsh truths for the MAGA crowd:

Here are her full remarks reprinted:

Reality check. The drivers of culture are not political influencers, personalities, pundits, or commentators. Politics is downstream from culture. 

All of these Magadonian pontificators can be summed up in one word: grifters.

They are all in on making money off the decline and fall of our culture. They remind me of those who sit “in the seat of the scornful,” detailing and railing against the moral collapse that is becoming our country.

But they don’t do anything about it, and they don’t really care about doing anything about it. Just cut a video, sell some t-shirts, go to a nice party, preen for the cameras, and that’s it.

The culture drivers in America 2023 are the following institutions almost entirely captured by the Left:

– Silicon Valley

– Hollywood

– Woke Corporations

– Top Universities

And a dishonorable mention to the Chinese Communist Party for their successful influence operations in all of the above.

Christopher Rufo, Pedro Gonzales, and to a greater extent former commentators Murray Rothbard and Samuel Francis have pointed out repeatedly that conservatives need to take back the culture, win back the institutions. It’s not enough to win elections, only to slow the decline. It’s not enough to manage the abusive managerial state more efficiently, or with less west.

If you don’t acknowledge this reality, you are not serious about wielding power to recapture ground from the left and bring captured institutions to heel. No amount of tweets or cocktail parties will fix that.

I am really glad she has called out the grifter-trendsetter set of Magadonians over this. We need serious legislators, real policymakers who want to win back our country, not just score a few election victories down the line.

For this reason, among many, I am supporting Governor Ron DeSantis for President.

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