This week, House Republicans worked to select our nominee for Speaker of the House. It is clear to me that we need transformational change in Washington, and our current trajectory as a country is unsustainable. The American people simply cannot afford us to continue with the status-quo, with $33 trillion in national debt, a $2 trillion annual deficit, 40-year high inflation, 20-year high interest rates, a credit downgrade, and an invasion at our Southern Border.

I have been supporting Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) as the grass roots conservative leader who can unite our party and lead us in the fight against the radical Democrat agenda. He has currently secured the Republican nomination and is working to consolidate the support of all members before we hold an expected Floor vote early next week.

We will live with the impact of this decision for decades to come, and I believe it is worth a few days to make the best possible choice for Speaker in order to save the country. I am calling on all of my Republican House colleagues to join me in supporting Rep. Jordan for Speaker.

War in Israel

Over the past week, we witnessed horrific terrorist attacks by Hamas against our true friend and ally, the nation of Israel. I unequivocally condemn this unprovoked attack and fully support Israel’s inherent right to do whatever is necessary to defend itself. My prayers remain with the people of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu during this most difficult time.

Desmond Doss Day

On October 12, Lynchburg celebrated Desmond Doss Day to recognize the heroic actions of our native son. On that day in 1945, President Harry Truman awarded Private First-Class Desmond Doss a medal of honor for his heroic actions that saved the lives of 75 soldiers during the battle on Hacksaw Ridge in World War II. America is grateful for the service of Mr. Doss, and I am proud to honor him.


National Logger’s Day

This week we recognized National Logger’s Day and those who harvest and replenish our nation’s forests. Forestry is Virginia’s third leading industry, generating over $21 billion annually and employing over 100,000 people in the Commonwealth. This week I introduced a resolution to recognize National Loggers Day in support of their work that is essential to our economy and the provision of so many materials we depend upon.

Meetings in Washington

I visited with Elisah and John McGee from Lynchburg’s Freedom Defense Group this week to learn more about the work their business is doing in the defense industry.


In the Media

During my weekly radio interview with John Fredericks, we discussed the historic opportunity we have in Congress to deliver for the American people and bring positive change for the future of our country. We are having a competition to be the next Speaker, not a coronation of the “next person in line.” We are trying to break the swamp cartel and have delivered another blow to the Washington uni-party system.


I spoke with Neil Cavuto on Fox News this week about the need to select a fighter and a true leader for our next Speaker of the House. We have an opportunity to finally have a Speaker who is working for the American people, instead of the elite special interests in Washington.


I spoke with O’Connor and Company on WMAL to discuss the process for selecting our next Speaker, why we need true change in Washington, and why I didn’t support simply promoting the “next in line” person who represents the status quo that is failing the American people.


I joined John Reid on Richmond Morning News to give an update to Virginians on where we stand in the Speaker’s race and how the Republican conference is working through the process to put a candidate forward for a vote on the House Floor.


I also joined Rob Schmitt on Newsmax’s the Hill to discuss the Speaker’s race in the House Republican conference. It is my hope that we will coalesce around Rep. Jordan early next week and put a new Speaker in place to lead us forward.


GOOD News Update


Stay Connected

Members of my team travel the 5th District on a weekly basis to host Mobile Office Hours to bring you the convenience of meeting with a congressional staff member

On October 17, the team will be in Charlotte County and in the City of Charlottesville from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and in Louisa County from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. On October 18, the team will be in Amherst County from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and in Nelson County from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

You do not need to visit us during Mobile Office Hours to receive assistance from my office. Whether you need help with a federal agency, are trying to find out if federal grants are available for your local project, or are considering applying to a service academy, you can visit the following link to see how my staff and I are here to serve you:

I look forward to continuing to update you on my actions to keep our communities safe, protect the unborn, and put Americans first. For daily updates you can follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

I will continue to do my best going forward to fight for you in Congress and for the principles that continue to make America the greatest nation in our history.



Bob Good
Member of Congress

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