Well, the decline and fall of the California Republican Party continues unabated.

The CAGOP has liberals masquerading as Republicans running the party brass. The whole apparatus has turned into a patronage operation. Fewer party leaders are actually interested in running for office, or in winning elections, shaping the culture, turning California into a livable state once again.

Instead, they continue to pander and cave to the Left, turning themselves into Democrat-lite. Why vote for the Lite version when you can go all in and vote for the Democrat Party completely?

The CAGOP top brass is interested in watering down the party platform even further. They want to cave on the fight for life, marriage, family, etc. I am sure in a matter of time they will start saying “It’s OK to modify Prop 13” and “Guns aren’t really that important.”

At any rate, the latest sign of this tragic trend occurred for me earlier this month. To get the whole story, I have to go back to July, 2023, when I attended the latest Orange County Republican Assembly picnic, based in Stanton, CA.

One would think that the most conservative Republicans attend this event. The “Who’s Who” of conservative activists, what few remain in California, often show up to this program and tell everyone how to keep fighting the good fight. One of the attendees, the husband of a city councilwoman in South Orange County, heard that I work for MassResistance, and he was really excited to meet me. I eventually connected him with our President, Brian Camenker, because he wanted to speak with him. Why? MassResistance had presented key oppo research to Republican voters in 2008 and 2012 telling them to reject Romney at all costs!

Fast forward a decade later, and conservatives like this man were still grateful for the work that our organization had accomplished!

Then another club leader, Pat Micone of the Republican Club of Laguna Woods, met with me. We talked about a number of great things, including MassResistance’s fight against the LGBT agenda in all of its forms. It really seemed that we had a lot of great things in common. She even invited me to give a presentation to her club, the Republican Club of Laguna Woods, about MassResistance!

They suggested that I give a presentation on the first Friday in September. I was prepared for that date, and I started putting together a key presentation for them just a week before. They contacted me, and they said that their calendar was actually going to be full for that day, so they suggested that I give my presentation in October.

Here were the first remarks that I received from Pat Micone, just before I sent them my PowerPoint presentation:

I hope all is well with you.

I’m copying this message with our VP of Programs Ro Kendall because we are planning our October 6th meeting and thought it a good idea to check in with you, confirm your availability, and ask for reveiw of your topics and  issues you plan to present.

It’s important to remind you that our members’ ages range from their 60to 90’s…a retired group, who we encourage to participate & get involved.

 We have your Governing BOARD meeting tomorrow at 10 am and if possible will you be able to send us a brief reveiw of what you plan to share. You are coming a long way… so we want to set all of us up for success and impact.

Your personal testimony you shared with me at the picnic will be valuable..how you came to do what you are doing now & why.

What are the topics and issues you think best to present and discuss…and how we can participate & support your movements efforts.

I apologize for last minute requests tonight …but please do your best.

We’d like something to bring to our BOD mtg in the morning…so a brief overview will suffice. 

At your earliest convenience if you have a formal presentation you please be willing to send it to us or at least an overview.


Pat Micone

RCLW President

I sent them a preliminary email outlining what I wanted to talk about, and I received this response:

HI Arthur

I  researched and  found your recent editorial…and feel a little embarrassed to have asked you in the email regarding your topics & issues. I know you are pro traditional Family & anti LGTB.

 It ‘s been over a month since we talked and so much is happening I need to regroup and focus.

For our ability to share at our meeting tomorrow, how about you let us know how you plan to present your mission & topic …as i’ve not heard you present.

Thank you so much …I know it’s late and I’ll be retiring soon, so please if possible please just email us a brief overview.

I’d love to have another conversation with you too in a few days as your schedule allows me to reconnect and catch up with what’s been happening .


My best,


I sent them my full presentation, which talks about MassResistance, our goals, our efforts, our effectiveness in fighting the culture war against the LGBT agenda in all of its forms. In that presentaiton, I also went after so-called LGBT “Republicans,” and pointed out that for any political party, or any political movement, to be effective, you have to stand for truth, tell the truth, fight for the truth, and not give into lies.

I then received this response from Pat:

Looks great Arthur 


So glad you judge a pp ..  our members enjoy them

I want to let you know that oneof our members is Transgender woman.. . Kathryn … has been for 30 years 

She is a good person, a retired electrical engineer and active in our community civics …city council, water 💦 district and volunteers every Friday delivering meals on wheels..now getting  active in our Republican 

Thx again 

Talk soon


She acknowledged that the PowerPoint presentation that I sent to her was good!

She then comes forward and shares with me that one of the members of the Republican Club of Laguna Woods is a man in a dress. The fact that Pat Micone described this man as a “transgender woman” right away was really disturbing. Whatever happened to standing for truth? I wonder if Pat Micone, who is a woman, can even define “What is a woman?”?

Notice how in the response above Pat Micone insists on calling this man in a dress “a woman,” and that “she” is a good person …. and “getting active in our Republican [sic]”

First of all, there is nothing good about a man stealing and deceiving the general public, calling himself a “woman.” There is nothing good about a group of people, or a community, or a country for that matter, celebrating someone who lives in a delusion, engages in deception, and make everyone go along with the dysfunction.

I also found it particularly galling that they added he had been a “transgender woman … for 30 years,” as if that makes the whole thing better. It doesn’t matter how long a disordered, confused individual pretends to be something that they are not. A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man.

One would think that the Republican Club of Laguna Woods would have some integrity on this issue. After all, one of their previous guests was key Epoch Times commentator Siyamak Khorrami, who has not been afraid to tell the truth about many problems in the state of California:

This is total madness. And this is in a Republican club in what used to be “conservative” Orange County. Congressman William Dannemeyer must be rolling over in his grave. As for Congressman Robert “B-1 Bob” Dornan, it’s no surprise that he moved to Virginia and stayed there at this point. What real conservative Republican would want to sit around and watch not only the state of California, but the so-called conservative opposition party collapse into a morass of liberal irrelevance?

So, the Republican Club of Laguna Woods is willing to sacrifice truth so that they could have another member. Really?

What’s next? Will the Republican Club of Laguna Woods accept Democrats? Perhaps they already have  …

At any rate, here came the final response from Pat:

Dear Arther [Sic, yes, she misspelled my name, along with a host of other mispellings as listed above],
Thank you for your presentation. Upon review it’s apparent to me that while I respect your role and your movement I realize it will not be a good fit for our membership.
Best wishes,
Pat Micone
President RCLW

Why did I get this message? Pat Micone had been so excited to have me present to her club. She was interested in my story, she was aware of my views on key issues. Then all of a sudden, she and her club said: “No thanks. Hit the road.”


They didn’t want to offend the man in a dress. They probably have out-homosexual members of their club, too. And worse yet, they are worried about offending the weakened and liberalized Republican Party of Orange County. They probably feared that diminishing club would cut off what few remaining privileges remain for them if they had me speak.

This the California Republican Party, folks. This is the state of the Orange County Republican Party, too, especially in South Orange County, one of (what used to be) the most conservative sections of the most conservative county in California, if not the entire United States.

How demoralizing!

But I refuse to give up standing for what is right. It’s time for activists to stand up to all of these lies, and if necessary start their own movement to get people elected to local and higher office. These “Republican” clubs are becoming a joke, a bunch of people who sit around, eat a nice lunch (or dinner), listen to a speaker tell them how terrible Democrats are and how bad things are in California, and then … go back to doing nothing; and along with their quiescence, they invite confused men wearing dresses and call them “good people.”

When does the insanity stop?! Are older adults so cowardly now, that they refuse to stand up to a confused man and tell him: “You are not a woman!”?

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