Greetings Brother Arthur in Christ,

Yesterday the LORD delivered me through the dialysis treatment by His loving grace and healing power.  My blood pressure dropped like a brick in 20 minutes to cause the staff to panic as I lost consciousness.  My brother said I was staring as they talked to me but I did not hear them.  My brother said I called on Jesus (which I do not remember).  Things were going wrong with the equipment as it got unplugged during the panic.  But our God is good and carried me through this drama.  After the nurses made adjustments,  I began to recover.  Earlier in that session I was witnessing to the RN about how awesome our God is, so she got to see our Savior’s strength in action.  Praise God for His strength during our trials.  I mentioned this to another Brother in Christ and his response made me feel I should share this with you all.

Psalms 38:10 – My heart pants, my strength fails me;  As for the light of my eyes, it also has gone from me.Psalms 73:26 – My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

At Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Pastor Joel Pickett preached about “A Loyal Heart” that is well worth listening to:

Shadow Mountain Community Church worship music brings glory to God in the highest as we worship Him:

Jesus It Is You                                         >>

All My Hope (Assurance) Is In Jesus    >>

It was quite the day for the LogoServant Brothers.  We pray you and your family are doing well.

Love from your brothers in Christ,

jOe, aka: ~ LogoSentinel <>< ©

bOb, aka: ~ LogoSeeker <>< ©

The LogoServant Brothers

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