Salma Luévano is a man. Sue me.

August 15, 2023

Dear Arthur,

A man named Salma Luévano is a man. He is a national legislator in Mexico. He is a man. He has always been male. He is male now.

He thinks he is a woman. He is deluded.

And now his delusion is leading to the punishment of another man, a good man named Rodrigo Iván Cortés who was a Congressman in Mexico and whose picture you see above. Rodrigo is a faithful Catholic and a family man.

The crime Rodrigo has been convicted of is referring to Luévano as a man. You read that right. Rodrigo, who is a friend of C-Fam’s, has been convicted of telling the truth about the sex of another man.

His conviction was just upheld by the Mexican high court. He has been convicted of “gender-based violence” for calling a man a man.

This is outrageous. Consider this. Rodrigo’s Tweets referring to Luévano as a man came as a response to the anti-Catholic bigotry of Luévano who mocked Catholic teaching on human sexuality as “hate speech.”

This is the world we live in now. This is the world the sexual left wants to impose on all of us, including on you and me.

They would love to convict me of hate crimes for calling Luévano a man. Luévano is a man. He is not a woman. He is psychologically confused.

I dare them to come after me for saying this.

Here’s the thing.

C-Fam fights this kind of thing every working day. We have fought the sexual left every working day for 26 years.

We will never allow such a thing in the UN context. We would fight this to the very end.

In fact, we helped to negotiate a hard law treaty that states “gender” is “men and women in the context of society.” Again, this is a hard law that established the International Criminal Court.

The Biden administration and the European Union are working hard to change this definition. There is a new treaty about to be negotiated on Crimes Against Humanity where they want to say “gender” is a social construct and therefore is completely elastic.

And they want to punish those of us who say Luévano is a man, just as they are punishing Rodrigo.

Help us fight the sexual left at the UN. Often, we are all alone. There are only six of us at C-Fam.

Can you help us right now so we can continue our fight against this wicked agenda? Can you afford $100? $50.

Help us right now and make sure there are no more persecutions of faithful Catholics who stand against the gender agenda.

Yours in Christ,

Austin Ruse
Publisher/Friday Fax

Image Credit: ADF International

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