How dirty can these people be?

They don’t believe in Freedom of Speech. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t believe in allowing voters to have all kinds of choices as to what is the best candidate to serve as President, Vice-President, etc.

It’s really shameful what has been reduced to. They are now left-wing, partisan hacks for the Democrat Party and Joe Biden’s corruption, malfeasance, and child abuse. It’s just unbelievable!

Dear MoveOn member,

MoveOn has been in the headlines recently for taking action against a rising threat that could reelect Trump in 2024—a group called “No Labels.”

In fact, our Executive Director Rahna Epting was on the podcast “Pod Save America” earlier this week to sound the alarm!1

No Labels has become such a threat that three weeks ago we took the unprecedented step of sending a letter to every secretary of state and election board in America asking them to investigate No Labels because the organization was caught potentially lying to voters in Maine.2

We wrote, “We are writing to inform you about our grave concern about the activities of a political organization called ‘No Labels’ that may be operating in your state and has been flagged by another state election official for potentially misleading voters.”

No Labels is a corporate dark-money operation that is attempting to put a third-party ticket on the ballot in 2024. Disguising themselves as a group of “moderates,” they are actually funded by right-wing corporate donors like Harlan Crow, the collector of Nazi memorabilia and funder of Clarence Thomas’s extravagant lifestyle.3

On Monday, they held a town hall in New Hampshire, rolling out details of their plan—which focuses on the blue states and swing states that Biden needs to win and would take twice as many Electoral College votes from Biden than it would take from Trump.4,5

Plain and simple, because there is no path to victory for their ticket, their strategy is to rob Biden of a second term and ensure a Trump victory. They know it, and we know it.

And that is why what started as a small project at MoveOn has now moved into the top tier of our work for holding the White House in 2024.


It is also why we’re writing to ask you to start a $5 monthly donation today to ensure we have the consistent resources we will need to stop No Labels. If No Labels succeeds in placing a third-party ticket on the presidential ballot, it will become almost impossible for us to keep Trump out of the White House in 2024.

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.


In short, we simply can’t emphasize enough what a threat No Labels is to our country and how hard we must now work to stop them.

In fact, private polling just released by a bipartisan group, led by former House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt, shows No Labels pulling substantially more votes from Biden than from Trump.6

And, as you know, Trump back in the White House puts all of America at risk, especially the Black, Latino, Muslim, and LGBTQ+ communities who are already under daily assault.

Only a concerted effort by a coalition of groups committed to keeping Trump and MAGA extremists out of the White House will build the pressure needed to stop them in their tracks.

And all of that starts with you.


Will you please start a $5 monthly donation today? This third-party bid will put Trump back in the White House (or DeSantis if Trump falters). If they get their candidate on the ballot, our 2024 efforts will become much, much, much more expensive. Please give generously today.

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.


Thanks for all you do.

–Nusaiba, Oscar, Nita, Elsie,and the rest of the team


1. “DeSantis DeShakeUp,” “Pod Save America,” July 17, 2023

2. “Secretary of State informing voters of new party enrollment of which they may not be aware,” Maine Department of the Secretary of State, May 12, 2023

3. “No Labels Exposed: Here’s a List of Donors Funding Its Effort To Disrupt the 2024 Race,” Mother Jones, June 23, 2023

4. “No Labels Launches Controversial 2024 Campaign With No Ideas,” The Daily Beast, July 19, 2023

5. “The No Labels Third-Party Bid: A Plan that Will Re-elect Trump,” Third Way, March 2023

6. “Former lawmakers plan new group to stop No Labels presidential bid,” The Washington Post, July 11, 2023


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